Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wotlk Making Money

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Small Business <b>News</b>: SMBs and the Economy

Recently businesses have expressed concern over excessive regulations that have made conducting business ever more expensive, often with limited justification.

Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

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Small Business <b>News</b>: SMBs and the Economy

Recently businesses have expressed concern over excessive regulations that have made conducting business ever more expensive, often with limited justification.

Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

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Small Business <b>News</b>: SMBs and the Economy

Recently businesses have expressed concern over excessive regulations that have made conducting business ever more expensive, often with limited justification.

Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

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Small Business <b>News</b>: SMBs and the Economy

Recently businesses have expressed concern over excessive regulations that have made conducting business ever more expensive, often with limited justification.

Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

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Small Business <b>News</b>: SMBs and the Economy

Recently businesses have expressed concern over excessive regulations that have made conducting business ever more expensive, often with limited justification.

Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

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Small Business <b>News</b>: SMBs and the Economy

Recently businesses have expressed concern over excessive regulations that have made conducting business ever more expensive, often with limited justification.

Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

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Small Business <b>News</b>: SMBs and the Economy

Recently businesses have expressed concern over excessive regulations that have made conducting business ever more expensive, often with limited justification.

Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

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Small Business <b>News</b>: SMBs and the Economy

Recently businesses have expressed concern over excessive regulations that have made conducting business ever more expensive, often with limited justification.

Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

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Small Business <b>News</b>: SMBs and the Economy

Recently businesses have expressed concern over excessive regulations that have made conducting business ever more expensive, often with limited justification.

Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

about internet marketing

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online business owners everywhere should take note. Though Huffington certainly may have had more resources than most start-up entrepreneurs when she launched her venture six years ago, she used the same basic online marketing techniques available to all online entrepreneurs while building her business. What tools are available to grow your business in the online world?    


HuffPo sale shows online businesses viable. Whatever else the success of the Huffington Post demonstrates, it shows the value of online marketing in powering phenomenal growth. Today, small business owners must take heed of this fact whether their business is an online product, service or site or whether they simply use a product service or site to market it.

“Paid” vs. “organic” traffic and which is better for you. Blog entrepreneur Ana Hoffman spends her weekend Webcast discussing the differences in traffic, but admits there’s only one kind she’s really interested in. Hear more from this podcast of the show. Traffic Generation Cafe


How “user experience” equals branding in online businesses. Another way that virtual or online businesses (or just digital products in general) differ from more traditional products is in areas described with phrases like “user experience” or “user flow and virality.” This is the case even if your Website is the marketing tool for another product. If your Website doesn’t work, don’t expect sales or new clients. Fast Company

Online marketing means going viral. Gail Gardner talks about a major consideration in the world of digital marketing: owning or controlling your content versus sharing freely and letting your message spread. It’s clear which practice Gail prefers. GrowMap

Social Media

Blending social and location-based marketing online. Samuel Axon looks at how some brands are harnessing the combined social networking and check-in features of Facebook places to push brand awareness to the next level. Are you looking at incorporating all of the social media tools at your disposal to market your business. Sprout Social Insights

How to win Facebook friends and influence people. Tom Parnell’s post couldalmost be an update of the classic Dale Carnegie book adapted for the age of the Internet (and specifically Facebook. Tom suggests techniques and asks for suggestions on the way to becoming a social media influencer. What’s your tip?


Are you being a good Twitter citizen? We’re not mentioning any names, but somebody around here *cough* (Big Cajun Man ) has come up with a list of things he thinks are rude for you to do on Twitter. We’re also pretty sure we’ve done one or two of them ourselves from time to time, so let’s review. Working Hard On The Internet

Getting the lingo down. Ever tried to communicate with another human being using only words incorporating 140 characters at a time? Thank heavens, then, that Twitter involves typing out your thoughts. And also, thank heavens for this comprehensive guide to the best in Twitter shortcuts. Sian Phillips

It’s all about the numbers? Here’s a completely different Twitter strategy than what you may have heard before. Also, in direct contradiction to a post above “tweet in blocks.” We’d like to hear your strategy for Tweeting. Go ahead and leave it below. Traffic Generation Cafe

Online Marketing

Learning the backlink basics. Aside from all the social media marketing, much online marketing comes down to simple research and implementation. Here a back link strategist gives us a look inside the impact back links or inbounds links (one of the most important factors in search results) will ultimately effect any sites marketing campaign. Have a look.

From Small Business TrendsSmall Business News: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna Huffington

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Im Making Money

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Money... it's a hit by Victor Assis

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Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It&#39;s Microsoft | mocoNews

The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...

Facebook CTO Says <b>News</b> Next In Social Revolution

Each week we ask chief technology officers and other high-profile tech decision-makers three questions. This week, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder and former chief executive of FriendFeed, ...

Keita Takahashi leaves Namco, calls it a &#39;so-so&#39; company - <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Keita Takahashi leaves Namco, calls it a 'so-so' company, Takahashi rolls on past Namco.

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Money... it's a hit by Victor Assis

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Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It&#39;s Microsoft | mocoNews

The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...

Facebook CTO Says <b>News</b> Next In Social Revolution

Each week we ask chief technology officers and other high-profile tech decision-makers three questions. This week, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder and former chief executive of FriendFeed, ...

Keita Takahashi leaves Namco, calls it a &#39;so-so&#39; company - <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Keita Takahashi leaves Namco, calls it a 'so-so' company, Takahashi rolls on past Namco.

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Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It&#39;s Microsoft | mocoNews

The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...

Facebook CTO Says <b>News</b> Next In Social Revolution

Each week we ask chief technology officers and other high-profile tech decision-makers three questions. This week, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder and former chief executive of FriendFeed, ...

Keita Takahashi leaves Namco, calls it a &#39;so-so&#39; company - <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Keita Takahashi leaves Namco, calls it a 'so-so' company, Takahashi rolls on past Namco.

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Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It&#39;s Microsoft | mocoNews

The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...

Facebook CTO Says <b>News</b> Next In Social Revolution

Each week we ask chief technology officers and other high-profile tech decision-makers three questions. This week, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder and former chief executive of FriendFeed, ...

Keita Takahashi leaves Namco, calls it a &#39;so-so&#39; company - <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Keita Takahashi leaves Namco, calls it a 'so-so' company, Takahashi rolls on past Namco.

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Money... it's a hit by Victor Assis

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Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It&#39;s Microsoft | mocoNews

The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...

Facebook CTO Says <b>News</b> Next In Social Revolution

Each week we ask chief technology officers and other high-profile tech decision-makers three questions. This week, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder and former chief executive of FriendFeed, ...

Keita Takahashi leaves Namco, calls it a &#39;so-so&#39; company - <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Keita Takahashi leaves Namco, calls it a 'so-so' company, Takahashi rolls on past Namco.

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(11/22 /10 update : SINCE THE TIME THIS ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN IN JUNE '07 I HAVE MADE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FROM CASHCRATE - here is a video of one of my checks along with a picture of my most recent November 2010 check - (CashCrate proof of payment)

You should never pay to join a survey site as all legitimate sites are free. CashCrate is real and it is one of the best free paid survey sites there is. This is my CashCrate review. (13 years and older for this so it is a great job ideas for teens and it is absolutely free!)

As of 5/8/10 I have now made thousands of dollars. I have gotten a check from CashCrate every month and promptly too. There is obviously good money to be made here.

It is easy to sign up to Cash Crate and start making money and they will send you a check just like the one you saw in my video. They have an active forum as well where you can find all the help you should ever need and an simple to understand website that is easy to navigate.

Your First Step

Your first step is to go to your members area were all the surveys and offers will be displayed. You will probably want to start out with all the offers that say "Register for free". First do a sort like I show below to find all the 100% free offers sorted by the highest payout. You are here to make money onCash Crate so you might as well start from the highest paying offers and go down.

Scroll down through the offers to see if there are any that look appealing. You can do any offer, of course, but the easiest by far are the register for free offers. The two offers below should take a total of 2 to 3 minutes to fill out and will get you a quick easy buck. Look for others like these that will only take you a minute or two to do. Please note, you should sign up for a free second email address through Gmail, Yahoo, or Aol so that any followup email you may get from the survey and offer companies does not go to your regular email address. You will probably not get a lot of spam but it is better to be safe.

You should continue to do all these "register for free" offers until you run out of them. Once you do, you can then choose other offers such as the surveys until you reach your $20.00 Cash Crate payment threshold. The surveys take a bit longer and that is why I recommend starting with all the register for free offers. You can get ambitious and sign up for offers that are not free if you like for bigger payouts, but that is absolutely not necessary.

Hint #1: Don't do the ringtone offers because they are not free even though they say they are. All you have to do is enter your cell phone # but your cell phone bill will then be charged a monthly fee. I did this and learned the hard way so unless you really want ring-tones, don't do any of these offers.

Hint #2: You should clear your computer cookies between every offer just to be safe. Some offers are from the same company and sometimes if you already have their cookie on your computer for the first offer you will not get credit for the second offer. This need to clear your computer cookies will apply for all survey sites and not just with CashCrate.

How To Refer Others For More Money

The best way to make money with CashCrate and any other survey site is to refer people. This is 100% optional and you do not need to refer anyone ever to get paid. The first level commission for CashCrate (those who sign up under you) is 25% and the second level pays 10% (those that sign up under the person who signed up under you). This is more that any other survey site pays and what makes CashCrate so wonderful. This is a great way for someone to get started making money online and the best kind of passive income on the Internet.

How would I recommend getting started referring people to Cash Crate? Once you earn your $20.00 you should have a feel for the system and have learned how to do things quicker and make money faster. As you learn tips you can pass them along to others. You might start a blog about surveys or put up a Squidoo lens or write articles. One method you cannot use is to promote CashCrate on Myspace, Facebook, and other similar sites as their terms say that will get you banned. I am now making over $1,000 a month and I highly recommend them as one of the totally honest 100% legitimate survey sites.

Here is a list of some of the ways people are being creative and making referrals:

1. Post on GPT forums
2. Refer Friends and Family
3. Refer Guild Members/Online Friends
4. Door hang with home made flyers
5. Walk through parking lots putting flyers on cars
6. Make a blog
7. Keep your referal link on your Sig on all forums with a breif explanation
8. Find chat rooms and groups that have the sole purpose of "Easy Money Making"
9. Stick an add in the classifieds
10. Go down to your local college and talk to passerbyers (college kids always need money!)
11. Put a flyer up at work
12. Get a magnetic strip/sticker to put on your car so you advertise while you drive!
13. Post your link at the end of your YouTube videos
14. Seed/Upload your files alot? Stick a .txt in an RAR file with whatever you are uploading with your referal link and instructions
15. Give flyers for local buisnesses to hand out (Go to a food delivery place, see what it will take for them to coupon your flyers, may I suggest chinese?)
16. Send out flyers in a mailing list ( is one site you can get mailing lists)
17. Get a bot/macro to post your link with a simple explanation on any server you may be hosting/running
18. Make A Web Site
19.Tell people thru IM
20. Links Exchange
21 print business cards and include your phone number to enter into business drawings (like you find in a lot of restaurants)

Whatever you do remember it is free to sign up to Cash Crate. They have a great active forum with lots of help if you need it. This is a great way to make extra money online and get some money coming in. Many people (including me!) make hundreds every month and you can also read about how they do it in the forums. This is one of the manyways to make money you should be doing to add some extra spending money to your budget. It is easy and anybody can do it and CashCrate is the best survey site I know of. If you have any questions about this CashCrate reveiw please let me know in the comment section.

Join CashCrate Now.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Making Money Now

We understand you'd like to delete your account. If you delete your account all of your information including your comments, messages, posts, and friends and followers associations will be removed from our system. Please consider the following options before clicking delete.

If you're concerned about your public identity on site you can change both your username or your display name. Your display name is the name that is publicly visible to other users. Your username is what you login with and is in your profile url. Both can be edited by going to your profile then clicking "Edit Profile."

If you still wish to completely delete your account, click the Delete Account button below. Your account will be locked, and your information will be wiped from our servers within 30 days.

Clearly, the people at NBC have it wrong, but it is not just because they have missed the obvious.  It is, I suspect, because, as part of the liberal culture, those who control the national media believe that equality of outcomes is more important than overall prosperity.  Given the choice between a nation with an average GDP of $100,000 per year, unequally distributed, and a nation with GDP of $20,000 for all, a liberal would choose the latter.  As long as one member of society is driving a Rolls-Royce or sipping Johnny Walker Blue Label on his hundred-foot yacht, no liberal can sleep at night.  What's more, no liberal could ever admit that yacht-owners like Larry Elisson or Paul Allen are the ones who have really made a difference.
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Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

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We understand you'd like to delete your account. If you delete your account all of your information including your comments, messages, posts, and friends and followers associations will be removed from our system. Please consider the following options before clicking delete.

If you're concerned about your public identity on site you can change both your username or your display name. Your display name is the name that is publicly visible to other users. Your username is what you login with and is in your profile url. Both can be edited by going to your profile then clicking "Edit Profile."

If you still wish to completely delete your account, click the Delete Account button below. Your account will be locked, and your information will be wiped from our servers within 30 days.

Clearly, the people at NBC have it wrong, but it is not just because they have missed the obvious.  It is, I suspect, because, as part of the liberal culture, those who control the national media believe that equality of outcomes is more important than overall prosperity.  Given the choice between a nation with an average GDP of $100,000 per year, unequally distributed, and a nation with GDP of $20,000 for all, a liberal would choose the latter.  As long as one member of society is driving a Rolls-Royce or sipping Johnny Walker Blue Label on his hundred-foot yacht, no liberal can sleep at night.  What's more, no liberal could ever admit that yacht-owners like Larry Elisson or Paul Allen are the ones who have really made a difference.
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Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

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326/365 by roleATL

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Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

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We understand you'd like to delete your account. If you delete your account all of your information including your comments, messages, posts, and friends and followers associations will be removed from our system. Please consider the following options before clicking delete.

If you're concerned about your public identity on site you can change both your username or your display name. Your display name is the name that is publicly visible to other users. Your username is what you login with and is in your profile url. Both can be edited by going to your profile then clicking "Edit Profile."

If you still wish to completely delete your account, click the Delete Account button below. Your account will be locked, and your information will be wiped from our servers within 30 days.

Clearly, the people at NBC have it wrong, but it is not just because they have missed the obvious.  It is, I suspect, because, as part of the liberal culture, those who control the national media believe that equality of outcomes is more important than overall prosperity.  Given the choice between a nation with an average GDP of $100,000 per year, unequally distributed, and a nation with GDP of $20,000 for all, a liberal would choose the latter.  As long as one member of society is driving a Rolls-Royce or sipping Johnny Walker Blue Label on his hundred-foot yacht, no liberal can sleep at night.  What's more, no liberal could ever admit that yacht-owners like Larry Elisson or Paul Allen are the ones who have really made a difference.
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326/365 by roleATL

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Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

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326/365 by roleATL

bench craft company

Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

bench craft company

Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

bench craft company

Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

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bench craft company

326/365 by roleATL

bench craft company
bench craft company

Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

New York Yankees <b>News</b>: The Captain - Pinstripe Alley

New York Yankees news from around the internet on 2/9/2011, including Rob Neyer on Derek Jeter's attempt to bounce back from a disappointing 2010 season.

bench craft company

A lot of people have been making a great deal of money thanks to real estate flipping. This may be a little surprising to learn when you consider the fact that the property market in the United States is growing increasingly weaker. There seems to be a mixed message being sent here and this may make you actually stop to wonder if the end of purchasing property to quickly fix up and resell is nearing its end. For a lot of people, unfortunately the answer to this question is "yes."

While a lot of people have made great money with real estate flipping in the recent years, there is a key to this. The key lies in there being a very buoyant property market. As such, it really does not have anything to do with these people being very skillful whenever they are buying and selling a home. In simple terms, you will most likely make some money in this rising real estate market, even if your flipping skills are not very good. This is the reason why you are hearing so many successful flip stories, even in the most unlikely of places.

However, there are some real problems that can become apparent when you are involved with real estate flipping. For instance, flipping will not work very well whenever the real estate market has gone flat or is on a steady decline. In fact, it is at this time that you could take a real financial hit, especially if they have paid too much money for a property that they have purchased, spent too much money working to improve the property or have undertaken the wrong type of improvements. With a buoyant market, making these types of mistakes will not hurt you nearly as bad.

Of course this does not mean that you should not get involved in real estate flipping anymore. It does mean that there are some things that you will need to remember though. First of all, the real estate market is not the same everywhere you look. Even when the market is flat, there are still pockets of growth. The opposite can also be said though. This is why you have to do your research properly so that you can find markets that you will want to take advantage of.

Another thing that you should keep in mind whenever you are involved with real estate flipping is that if you have a nicely renovated flip there will always be a market for this. So, yes there is still money to be made in flipping houses. You just need to be more disciplined about doing your research now than ever before. Take the time to find the right house to flip, in an area where people are desiring to live, and with a house that is not going to become a bottomless financial pit whenever it comes to needing improvements. This really is quite crucial if you do not want to end up producing a financial flop.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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surface encounters

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

surface encounters

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

surface encounters

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

surface encounters

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

surface encounters

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

surface encounters

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

surface encounters

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

surface encounters

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

surface encounters

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

surface encounters

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 &amp; lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Pentax introduces limited edition silver K-5 & lenses: CP+: Pentax has announced a limited edition version of its K-5 DSLR and three prime lenses in silver. This version comes with a redesigned grip and shock-resistant, ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Making Money Marketing

Affiliate marketing is easy once you find the tactics that work for you. The time it takes to become a master depends upon your learning abilities and also your problem solving abilities. There are no rules carved in stone. Everything changes very fast, so you need to change your strategies, too, every day. One method that was extremely great two years ago and you read about it in an e-book might not work today, or might work differently.

The pitfall of most e-books is that they are only listing the general processes and don't give you a step-by-step guide to affiliate marketing. Since there are literally hundreds of tactics to be successful, it would be a very long book to cover every single method. That's why those so-called gurus are only writing about their favorite methods, which would possibly not be the methods that you can utilize the same way.

Not every method will bring in the same results, so you will need testing. You must choose one that is the most appropriate for your personality, and abilities, too. Loads of people find some traffic generation techniques boring or too complicated. That is why about 90% of people starting with Adwords will fail, because they don't like testing and analyzing the keywords. If you are this kind of person, don't even go there, or you will end up losing money instead of making affiliate revenue. Although, if you are a person who loves sharing and communicates easily, social networking would be your best method.

Prior to spending much money on ads, it is always useful to test an offer on free traffic. I started to apply this rule long ago and it has already saved me a lot of money. If I am sending out a free solo e-mail for my list, for example, and it turns out to be a success, I might consider buying e-zine advertising and advertise that way. But if not, I can still do split-test campaigns, therefore maximize conversions prior to paying for traffic.

Continued on the next page

For progressive and tech savvy business-to-business companies, traditional marketing techniques like entire departments dedicated to cold calling potential clients have largely been retired to the trash folder. Instead, these companies are rapidly embracing technologies and practices aimed at increasing productivity, using social media more effectively, and providing engaging and informative content to potential clients. For a deeper look at these trends shaping B2B marketing in 2011, read on.

Quantifying Value Creation

If you’re looking to make your case to another business, come with lots of data, says Keith Pigues, co-author of Winning With Customers: A Playbook for B2B. You’ll need to quantify your value to customers in terms of dollars and cents, something known as “customer value creation.”

"Many organizations are finding that some of the more traditional customer satisfaction or customer loyalty measurement systems like ‘net promoter score’ are falling short when trying to provide a real financial measure to companies to help them understand exactly, 'how much more money am I making doing business with your company verses Company B or C?,'" says Pigues.

To accomplish this, companies are looking to third parties for help. Among them is Chicago-based Valkre, a technology provider that specializes in helping companies customize and match sales solutions to specific customers, implementing marketing strategies that increase a company's online visibility, and creating daily management plans that use mainstream technology.

Valkre founder Jerry Alderman agrees that the next evolution in B2B marketing involves businesses attempting to understand how the services they're offering truly impact the bottom line of their customers. Valkre has created a new metric, called the differential value proportion or "DVP", which measures the amount of increased profit that a customer can bring in by doing business with one company versus another. Unlike net promoter score, the DVP percentage metric was designed for use specifically within the B2B industry.

Targeting Online Identities

Whittling down to the individual buyer will increasingly be the objective in online B2B marketing, even in terms of broad awareness campaigns, says Steven Woods, the Toronto-based CTO of Eloqua. Instead of generalized marketing initiatives, companies are beginning to analyze the online behavior -- also known as digital body language -- of individuals involved in the B2B industry in an effort to pinpoint the specific buyer whose needs best fit the services of the seller.

Through the collection and analysis of data, companies are discovering ways to link varied online "handles" across social networks to a single individual they wish to target for marketing purposes. "The vanguard will see a lot of people in 2011 figure out the identity management challenge and be able to understand ‘you’ across those identities and understand how your activity on Facebook, on Twitter, on LinkedIn, and the various social properties indicates your buying intentions," says Woods.

The goal is to cater marketing content to customers depending on where they are in the buying process. To accomplish this, Tableau Software, a Seattle-based seller of B2B software, uses a method of "scoring" visitors that come to their website. The more that users visit, the more their scores increase, allowing the algorithm to filter them into the programs within the site that speak to their interests. Thus, Tableau targets customers based on their online behavior rather than the demographics provided by their firm or industry.

"The trend of 2011 is that marketers are as interested in delivering relevant content to relevant people, as they are to stopping the delivery of irrelevant content to irrelevant people," says Elisa Fink, Tableau's vice president of marketing. "We don't want to be spammers. Every engagement with a company is really an engagement with a person."

Getting Creative with Content

In terms of the content being delivered, B2B companies are encouraging members of their technology departments to build their personal brand and further the recognition of their company by becoming "expert" bloggers and content creators.

"The winning marketing skill set that is going to be very much recognized in 2011 is not going to be the creative copywriting, artistic skill setm," says Woods. "It's the person who understands numbers, analytics, data, workflow, the operational skill set."

This can be accomplished via the company website, Twitter stream, LinkedIn discussion group, and even the employee’s personal blog.

Woods explains that part of this trend is a move in favor of less polished content and faster production times. In the past, all marketing materials were placed under intense scrutiny before anything was put online to represent the company. Now, personal engagement is en vogue, whereby the members of a company with active knowledge about products can engage in two-way conversations with clientele on the fly.

"[The content] might even have spelling mistakes in it. If it's a video, it might just be a very quick, ‘hey, here is how I tackle this problem, here is how I view the latest merger in the industry, or view this latest technological development,’" says Woods.

Some B2B institutions are also beginning to explore new approaches to their chain of command within marketing initiatives. In larger B2B companies, the IT department typically reports to the operations department because that's where the most money has traditionally been invested. According to Alderman, that is now changing. He points to a major player in the industry taking the approach of having their IT department report to their marketing department. By doing this, information regarding a business' technological holdings and services can be more accurately and efficiently marketed to potential clients.

As the Web 2.0 advances into a new decade, B2B marketing strategies will also continue to develop. Indeed, there are an increasing number of digital platforms, like social media, for marketers to explore. In 2011, the winners will be the ones that are best able to target their efforts to their customers’ online habits and interests, and provide true value – and be able to prove it – to users.

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Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

At no time will Arab News attempt to alter the core meaning of a comment. 3. Reject the message, edit the message when the moderators judge it to be a personal attack, defamatory (or potentially defamatory), abusive, incite hatred or ...

Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

bench craft company reviews

Affiliate marketing is easy once you find the tactics that work for you. The time it takes to become a master depends upon your learning abilities and also your problem solving abilities. There are no rules carved in stone. Everything changes very fast, so you need to change your strategies, too, every day. One method that was extremely great two years ago and you read about it in an e-book might not work today, or might work differently.

The pitfall of most e-books is that they are only listing the general processes and don't give you a step-by-step guide to affiliate marketing. Since there are literally hundreds of tactics to be successful, it would be a very long book to cover every single method. That's why those so-called gurus are only writing about their favorite methods, which would possibly not be the methods that you can utilize the same way.

Not every method will bring in the same results, so you will need testing. You must choose one that is the most appropriate for your personality, and abilities, too. Loads of people find some traffic generation techniques boring or too complicated. That is why about 90% of people starting with Adwords will fail, because they don't like testing and analyzing the keywords. If you are this kind of person, don't even go there, or you will end up losing money instead of making affiliate revenue. Although, if you are a person who loves sharing and communicates easily, social networking would be your best method.

Prior to spending much money on ads, it is always useful to test an offer on free traffic. I started to apply this rule long ago and it has already saved me a lot of money. If I am sending out a free solo e-mail for my list, for example, and it turns out to be a success, I might consider buying e-zine advertising and advertise that way. But if not, I can still do split-test campaigns, therefore maximize conversions prior to paying for traffic.

Continued on the next page

For progressive and tech savvy business-to-business companies, traditional marketing techniques like entire departments dedicated to cold calling potential clients have largely been retired to the trash folder. Instead, these companies are rapidly embracing technologies and practices aimed at increasing productivity, using social media more effectively, and providing engaging and informative content to potential clients. For a deeper look at these trends shaping B2B marketing in 2011, read on.

Quantifying Value Creation

If you’re looking to make your case to another business, come with lots of data, says Keith Pigues, co-author of Winning With Customers: A Playbook for B2B. You’ll need to quantify your value to customers in terms of dollars and cents, something known as “customer value creation.”

"Many organizations are finding that some of the more traditional customer satisfaction or customer loyalty measurement systems like ‘net promoter score’ are falling short when trying to provide a real financial measure to companies to help them understand exactly, 'how much more money am I making doing business with your company verses Company B or C?,'" says Pigues.

To accomplish this, companies are looking to third parties for help. Among them is Chicago-based Valkre, a technology provider that specializes in helping companies customize and match sales solutions to specific customers, implementing marketing strategies that increase a company's online visibility, and creating daily management plans that use mainstream technology.

Valkre founder Jerry Alderman agrees that the next evolution in B2B marketing involves businesses attempting to understand how the services they're offering truly impact the bottom line of their customers. Valkre has created a new metric, called the differential value proportion or "DVP", which measures the amount of increased profit that a customer can bring in by doing business with one company versus another. Unlike net promoter score, the DVP percentage metric was designed for use specifically within the B2B industry.

Targeting Online Identities

Whittling down to the individual buyer will increasingly be the objective in online B2B marketing, even in terms of broad awareness campaigns, says Steven Woods, the Toronto-based CTO of Eloqua. Instead of generalized marketing initiatives, companies are beginning to analyze the online behavior -- also known as digital body language -- of individuals involved in the B2B industry in an effort to pinpoint the specific buyer whose needs best fit the services of the seller.

Through the collection and analysis of data, companies are discovering ways to link varied online "handles" across social networks to a single individual they wish to target for marketing purposes. "The vanguard will see a lot of people in 2011 figure out the identity management challenge and be able to understand ‘you’ across those identities and understand how your activity on Facebook, on Twitter, on LinkedIn, and the various social properties indicates your buying intentions," says Woods.

The goal is to cater marketing content to customers depending on where they are in the buying process. To accomplish this, Tableau Software, a Seattle-based seller of B2B software, uses a method of "scoring" visitors that come to their website. The more that users visit, the more their scores increase, allowing the algorithm to filter them into the programs within the site that speak to their interests. Thus, Tableau targets customers based on their online behavior rather than the demographics provided by their firm or industry.

"The trend of 2011 is that marketers are as interested in delivering relevant content to relevant people, as they are to stopping the delivery of irrelevant content to irrelevant people," says Elisa Fink, Tableau's vice president of marketing. "We don't want to be spammers. Every engagement with a company is really an engagement with a person."

Getting Creative with Content

In terms of the content being delivered, B2B companies are encouraging members of their technology departments to build their personal brand and further the recognition of their company by becoming "expert" bloggers and content creators.

"The winning marketing skill set that is going to be very much recognized in 2011 is not going to be the creative copywriting, artistic skill setm," says Woods. "It's the person who understands numbers, analytics, data, workflow, the operational skill set."

This can be accomplished via the company website, Twitter stream, LinkedIn discussion group, and even the employee’s personal blog.

Woods explains that part of this trend is a move in favor of less polished content and faster production times. In the past, all marketing materials were placed under intense scrutiny before anything was put online to represent the company. Now, personal engagement is en vogue, whereby the members of a company with active knowledge about products can engage in two-way conversations with clientele on the fly.

"[The content] might even have spelling mistakes in it. If it's a video, it might just be a very quick, ‘hey, here is how I tackle this problem, here is how I view the latest merger in the industry, or view this latest technological development,’" says Woods.

Some B2B institutions are also beginning to explore new approaches to their chain of command within marketing initiatives. In larger B2B companies, the IT department typically reports to the operations department because that's where the most money has traditionally been invested. According to Alderman, that is now changing. He points to a major player in the industry taking the approach of having their IT department report to their marketing department. By doing this, information regarding a business' technological holdings and services can be more accurately and efficiently marketed to potential clients.

As the Web 2.0 advances into a new decade, B2B marketing strategies will also continue to develop. Indeed, there are an increasing number of digital platforms, like social media, for marketers to explore. In 2011, the winners will be the ones that are best able to target their efforts to their customers’ online habits and interests, and provide true value – and be able to prove it – to users.

bench craft company reviews

Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

At no time will Arab News attempt to alter the core meaning of a comment. 3. Reject the message, edit the message when the moderators judge it to be a personal attack, defamatory (or potentially defamatory), abusive, incite hatred or ...

Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

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bench craft company reviews

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bench craft company reviews

Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

At no time will Arab News attempt to alter the core meaning of a comment. 3. Reject the message, edit the message when the moderators judge it to be a personal attack, defamatory (or potentially defamatory), abusive, incite hatred or ...

Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

benchcraft company scam

Affiliate marketing is easy once you find the tactics that work for you. The time it takes to become a master depends upon your learning abilities and also your problem solving abilities. There are no rules carved in stone. Everything changes very fast, so you need to change your strategies, too, every day. One method that was extremely great two years ago and you read about it in an e-book might not work today, or might work differently.

The pitfall of most e-books is that they are only listing the general processes and don't give you a step-by-step guide to affiliate marketing. Since there are literally hundreds of tactics to be successful, it would be a very long book to cover every single method. That's why those so-called gurus are only writing about their favorite methods, which would possibly not be the methods that you can utilize the same way.

Not every method will bring in the same results, so you will need testing. You must choose one that is the most appropriate for your personality, and abilities, too. Loads of people find some traffic generation techniques boring or too complicated. That is why about 90% of people starting with Adwords will fail, because they don't like testing and analyzing the keywords. If you are this kind of person, don't even go there, or you will end up losing money instead of making affiliate revenue. Although, if you are a person who loves sharing and communicates easily, social networking would be your best method.

Prior to spending much money on ads, it is always useful to test an offer on free traffic. I started to apply this rule long ago and it has already saved me a lot of money. If I am sending out a free solo e-mail for my list, for example, and it turns out to be a success, I might consider buying e-zine advertising and advertise that way. But if not, I can still do split-test campaigns, therefore maximize conversions prior to paying for traffic.

Continued on the next page

For progressive and tech savvy business-to-business companies, traditional marketing techniques like entire departments dedicated to cold calling potential clients have largely been retired to the trash folder. Instead, these companies are rapidly embracing technologies and practices aimed at increasing productivity, using social media more effectively, and providing engaging and informative content to potential clients. For a deeper look at these trends shaping B2B marketing in 2011, read on.

Quantifying Value Creation

If you’re looking to make your case to another business, come with lots of data, says Keith Pigues, co-author of Winning With Customers: A Playbook for B2B. You’ll need to quantify your value to customers in terms of dollars and cents, something known as “customer value creation.”

"Many organizations are finding that some of the more traditional customer satisfaction or customer loyalty measurement systems like ‘net promoter score’ are falling short when trying to provide a real financial measure to companies to help them understand exactly, 'how much more money am I making doing business with your company verses Company B or C?,'" says Pigues.

To accomplish this, companies are looking to third parties for help. Among them is Chicago-based Valkre, a technology provider that specializes in helping companies customize and match sales solutions to specific customers, implementing marketing strategies that increase a company's online visibility, and creating daily management plans that use mainstream technology.

Valkre founder Jerry Alderman agrees that the next evolution in B2B marketing involves businesses attempting to understand how the services they're offering truly impact the bottom line of their customers. Valkre has created a new metric, called the differential value proportion or "DVP", which measures the amount of increased profit that a customer can bring in by doing business with one company versus another. Unlike net promoter score, the DVP percentage metric was designed for use specifically within the B2B industry.

Targeting Online Identities

Whittling down to the individual buyer will increasingly be the objective in online B2B marketing, even in terms of broad awareness campaigns, says Steven Woods, the Toronto-based CTO of Eloqua. Instead of generalized marketing initiatives, companies are beginning to analyze the online behavior -- also known as digital body language -- of individuals involved in the B2B industry in an effort to pinpoint the specific buyer whose needs best fit the services of the seller.

Through the collection and analysis of data, companies are discovering ways to link varied online "handles" across social networks to a single individual they wish to target for marketing purposes. "The vanguard will see a lot of people in 2011 figure out the identity management challenge and be able to understand ‘you’ across those identities and understand how your activity on Facebook, on Twitter, on LinkedIn, and the various social properties indicates your buying intentions," says Woods.

The goal is to cater marketing content to customers depending on where they are in the buying process. To accomplish this, Tableau Software, a Seattle-based seller of B2B software, uses a method of "scoring" visitors that come to their website. The more that users visit, the more their scores increase, allowing the algorithm to filter them into the programs within the site that speak to their interests. Thus, Tableau targets customers based on their online behavior rather than the demographics provided by their firm or industry.

"The trend of 2011 is that marketers are as interested in delivering relevant content to relevant people, as they are to stopping the delivery of irrelevant content to irrelevant people," says Elisa Fink, Tableau's vice president of marketing. "We don't want to be spammers. Every engagement with a company is really an engagement with a person."

Getting Creative with Content

In terms of the content being delivered, B2B companies are encouraging members of their technology departments to build their personal brand and further the recognition of their company by becoming "expert" bloggers and content creators.

"The winning marketing skill set that is going to be very much recognized in 2011 is not going to be the creative copywriting, artistic skill setm," says Woods. "It's the person who understands numbers, analytics, data, workflow, the operational skill set."

This can be accomplished via the company website, Twitter stream, LinkedIn discussion group, and even the employee’s personal blog.

Woods explains that part of this trend is a move in favor of less polished content and faster production times. In the past, all marketing materials were placed under intense scrutiny before anything was put online to represent the company. Now, personal engagement is en vogue, whereby the members of a company with active knowledge about products can engage in two-way conversations with clientele on the fly.

"[The content] might even have spelling mistakes in it. If it's a video, it might just be a very quick, ‘hey, here is how I tackle this problem, here is how I view the latest merger in the industry, or view this latest technological development,’" says Woods.

Some B2B institutions are also beginning to explore new approaches to their chain of command within marketing initiatives. In larger B2B companies, the IT department typically reports to the operations department because that's where the most money has traditionally been invested. According to Alderman, that is now changing. He points to a major player in the industry taking the approach of having their IT department report to their marketing department. By doing this, information regarding a business' technological holdings and services can be more accurately and efficiently marketed to potential clients.

As the Web 2.0 advances into a new decade, B2B marketing strategies will also continue to develop. Indeed, there are an increasing number of digital platforms, like social media, for marketers to explore. In 2011, the winners will be the ones that are best able to target their efforts to their customers’ online habits and interests, and provide true value – and be able to prove it – to users.

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At no time will Arab News attempt to alter the core meaning of a comment. 3. Reject the message, edit the message when the moderators judge it to be a personal attack, defamatory (or potentially defamatory), abusive, incite hatred or ...

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Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

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Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

At no time will Arab News attempt to alter the core meaning of a comment. 3. Reject the message, edit the message when the moderators judge it to be a personal attack, defamatory (or potentially defamatory), abusive, incite hatred or ...

Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

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Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

At no time will Arab News attempt to alter the core meaning of a comment. 3. Reject the message, edit the message when the moderators judge it to be a personal attack, defamatory (or potentially defamatory), abusive, incite hatred or ...

Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

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Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

At no time will Arab News attempt to alter the core meaning of a comment. 3. Reject the message, edit the message when the moderators judge it to be a personal attack, defamatory (or potentially defamatory), abusive, incite hatred or ...

Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

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Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

At no time will Arab News attempt to alter the core meaning of a comment. 3. Reject the message, edit the message when the moderators judge it to be a personal attack, defamatory (or potentially defamatory), abusive, incite hatred or ...

Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

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Are you a stay at home mom or dad looking to make a few extra dollars to support your family? Want to make your own business? Want to work from home? Many internet users are lured every day into websites claiming to make you hundreds, or even thousands of dollars a day. The only problem is? 99% of them don't even work! Thousands of people every day pay money to websites that promise a large income quick and easy, and end up only getting an empty wallet in return.

Identifying a "Get Rick Quick" scheme:

Most online money making schemes have the same warning signs to look out for:

- They state that anyone signing up will be rich within months to a year
- They tell Potential victims the secret to getting rich is by following a "special formula" unknown to others
- They will pressure the potential victim into signing up quickly, stating that the offer is only available for a limited time
- The scheme will usually claim that it requires no special IT or marketing skills and will provide an unrealistic timeframe in which the consumer could make hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars.

Other Money Making Schemes:

-Get paid to take surveys
A majority of survey websites promise making hundreds of dollars a month just by filling out "easy to do" surveys for pennies per survey. Unfortunately, most of these "easy" surveys may not even have an end, leading you to page after endless page of advertisements making the survey company money and leaving you with nothing.

-Paid to click on ads
These websites promise money to click on other peoples ads. You click on the link, and the advertisers website pops up. You're made to wait a certain amount of time (usually around 30 seconds) and then verify you're a human. Most of these sites do actually pay out, the only problem is that you won't be retiring any time soon from it. Most sites only have a few ads, and it may take weeks or months just to make a dollar.

-Paid to read e-mail
These services work much like the one above. After signing up to this service, they promise your inbox to be full of e-mails that pay just to read them. Sadly though, most programs like this have few or no e-mails and end up never paying much, if anything.

Making REAL Money From Home

Making money with E-bay is easy to do, and people have actually made their primary income off of it. Think of anything of value that you don't want or don't have a use for. Now, post it on E-bay and instead of having the item clutter your garage or attic, it can be sold for money! You may also go to flea-markets and buy items, and then re-sell them on E-bay for a profit.

This has been a very common way to make money since it's came out. Though, you won't be making all the thousands of dollars right from the start like some websites might try to sway you to believe. Making money blogging is a slow-start process. It requires you to be active, write good content, and have contacts to generate traffic. It's not as hard as it all seems, and if you keep at it for a few months, you can make an honest earning from blogging.

Selling your own crafts
Have a hobby? You can make money selling your arts and crafts online. Etsy is a web service and marketplace gathering people who make their own works of art, anything from candles to necklaces to homemade clothes and other accessories.

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Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

At no time will Arab News attempt to alter the core meaning of a comment. 3. Reject the message, edit the message when the moderators judge it to be a personal attack, defamatory (or potentially defamatory), abusive, incite hatred or ...

Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

big seminar 14

Jeddah: City with a survival instinct - Arab <b>News</b>

At no time will Arab News attempt to alter the core meaning of a comment. 3. Reject the message, edit the message when the moderators judge it to be a personal attack, defamatory (or potentially defamatory), abusive, incite hatred or ...

Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

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