Thursday, December 30, 2010

Help Making Money

Ho! Ho! Ho! And a Merry Christmas to you all!

It's that time of year again and I've been so busy making Xboxes and E-readers and blankets with arms in them that I sometimes forget there are others like me doing good works but who are in need of some help.

These other "Santas" operate on a shoestring and need money to do their kind deeds. Unfortunately they can't do what I do to cover the cost of my operations. (I rent out my North Pole facilities to Superman eleven months of the year for him to use as his Fortress of Solitude.)

So Mrs. Claus, the elves, the reindeer and I are asking if you could make a last minute donation to one of the six worthy organizations I've listed below. Or do it as a gift in someone else's name and make that their Christmas present (thus fewer chimneys for me to go down. I know, I know, stop with the burgers in a donut bun.) These Santas will then turn around and use your money to create gifts greater than anything I could ever make in my workshop.

Here they are:

** The Innocence Project. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Americans sit in prison tonight having been wrongly convicted of a crime. They are 100 percent innocent and the system has the DNA samples to prove it. The Innocence Project is an amazing group that provides free attorneys and researchers who devote their time to freeing these innocent men and women. It's no mistake that human rights groups place the United States on their list of countries who throw the innocent behind bars. No country on earth (including China, with four times the population of the United States) has more people in prison than America. Please give to the Innocence Project so that those who've committed no crime do not spend another night in jail -- and so I don't have to spend so much time on Christmas Eve going through security when I make deliveries to them.

** The Bradley Manning Defense Fund. If I witness a crime while making my rounds on Christmas Eve, and I report it, I'm considered a hero. (Sometimes there's reward money!) Private Bradley Manning of the United States Army allegedly came across video of his fellow soldiers gunning down and killing in cold blood two reporters from Reuters and a group of Iraqis who were civilians. He apparently decided to report this crime to the American people. For this, he has been arrested and thrown into the brig -- where he has sat in tortuous solitary confinement for seven months. He is also believed to be the source of thousands of documents obtained by WikiLeaks which show the disgusting and immoral behavior of your government and Pentagon as they've prosecuted two illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is a true travesty taking place and it's being done in your name. Please contribute to his legal defense fund and please send him a holiday card at:

Bradley Manning

c/o Courage to Resist

484 Lake Park Ave #41

Oakland CA 94610


(See for how to mail things to him directly.)

** WikiLeaks. What more needs to be said? Frankly, in retrospect I'm GLAD they leaked my 2009 Naughty & Nice list -- especially the parts about the U.S. government. I know that may hurt a bit for those of you who are Americans, but trust me, it's good for you in the long run. What I do foresee in the coming year, though, is a battle for who controls the internet -- and those in power are going to find ways to clamp down and not make it so easy for all of us to share with each other so freely. (Another good group to give to that is helping to keep the internet free is Save the Internet.) From the Iraq War video to the proof that you're backing a corrupt government in Afghanistan to the fabricated cables sent to the Bush State Department from Havana about Mike's movie, WikiLeaks has performed an invaluable service. As long as they don't dig into what my elves do in the 11 months they're on vacation, I'm solidly behind WikiLeaks.

** The Water Project. Over a billion people on this planet have no access to clean drinking water. Approximately 2 million children under age 5 are killed each year worldwide by a water-related disease. This is insane considering we have the technology and the people power to fix this in a very short time period -- if we wanted. The money from just one year of the Iraq War would pretty much take care of it. Sad, isn't it, how we're capable of so much more, of being so much better. The Water Project is a hands-on, boots on the ground organization that's digging wells and getting clean drinking water to the Third World. This is one delivery -- water for a billion people -- that just doesn't fit in my sleigh.

** Park 51 Islamic Community Center ("The Ground Zero Mosque"). Here's a tip: if there's anything that will get you a lump of coal in your stocking, it's hating people based on their race or religion. And I'm sorry to say, folks like that were out in full force this year. They even won themselves an election. Soon they will hold congressional hearings to out America's Kenyan-born Muslim president. (My team's already getting extra coal ready for Christmas 2011.)

Meanwhile in lower Manhattan, a group of people who happen to be Muslim want to build a community center. They asked the Jewish Community Center in Manhattan for help. They helped them. It was so nice it made me think I should branch out into Hanukkah and Ramadan. Then the haters showed up. But I believe Park 51 will win this fight. Please help them.

** Democracy Now. This great daily show presents the news we never get to hear on mainstream radio or TV -- especially at the North Pole, where for some reason the cable system only runs the Hallmark channel and Spike. Amy Goodman and Co. do an incredible job bringing the truth to the American public every morning. I listen to them and I support them. (And I support all efforts for non-profit, community-based radio stations. You can learn more about that movement at Radio for All.)

So give if you can. I know these are tight times for most people and you've got yourselves and your families to take care of. I hope this time of the year is going well for you and if not, then please know that there are many -- including me -- who care about you and yours. Working together, it will get better for everyone.

Finally... those of you who don't have chimneys, could you possibly leave the door open this year? I don't like it any more than you do when I have to break in through your bathroom window.

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night,

Santa (c/o Michael Moore)

It looks like Shep Smith isn't the only person on Fox News that was shamed by Jon Stewart into getting a bit tougher on these Republicans for filibustering the first responders bill. Chris Wallace brought up Stewart's interview with first responders to Jon Kyl, and in response we just got more sorry excuses as to why he still would not support the bill.

Kyl Denies Health Care For 9/11 Rescue Workers Because He Doesn’t Want To ‘Hurry’:

Last week, an incensed Jon Stewart invited 9/11 first responders to the Daily Show to offer their thoughts on this callous behavior. “Disgusted” and “hurt” by their actions, the rescue workers admonished Republicans for using the holiday schedule and Senate process as an excuse to block desperately needed help. Recounting their criticism today, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace asked Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) why he couldn’t “find a way to give these heroes peace of mind when it comes to health care.” Ignoring their emotional pleas, Kyl insisted that, while he didn’t want to deny care to those who desperately need it, he just refuses to do so “in a hurry”. [...]

Kyl’s excuses fall flat in the face of fact. Any cries for more time ignore that both the Senate and House version of the Zadroga bill have been available to Kyl since 2009. If a year with the text wasn’t enough, Kyl was free to attend the bill’s June 2010 Senate hearing he insists never happened. Had he shown up, he would’ve learned that the bill is very clear on who is eligible for funding. First responders can pursue compensation established by the Zadroga bill to bolster any coverage already received from the current health fund set up in New York City.

As Jon Stewart pointed out earlier this week as well, after refusing to give these first responders health care, none of these birds should ever be allowed by our media to invoke 9-11 for political purposes ever again. Let's hope this thing gets passed despite the continued obstruction by the likes of Kyl and his fellow shameless Republican cohorts.

Transcript via Nexis Lexis.

WALLACE: Joining us now, two Senate leaders, the number two Democrat, Dick Durbin of Illinois, and his Republican counterpart, Jon Kyl of Arizona.

And, Senators, welcome back to "Fox News Sunday."

KYL: Thank you, Chris.

WALLACE: Senators, before we talk about issues that have gotten a lot of attention, I want to ask you about one that hasn't, and let me begin with you, Senator Kyl.

Will you vote this week for the 9/11 bill that would guarantee health care for the first responders who went to Ground Zero?

KYL: I don't know if that bill is going to come before us, but Dick tells me just a moment ago that he thinks that it will. First question is, is it amendable, or is it a take it or leave it proposition? The bill hasn't been through committee. There are problems with it.

And I think the first thing Republicans will ask is do we have a chance to fix any problems that may exist with it. And it's a lot of money, and so I -- my early response is that I am skeptical about that bill.

WALLACE: Senator Durbin, Republicans in addition to Senator Kyl say - - Republican critics say that you're creating a $7 billion entitlement, and that the way you pay for it is a corporate tax increase.

DURBIN: Chris, I can tell you that Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer have been working nonstop for the last several weeks with Republicans to try to find the best way to approach this. These first responders literally risked their lives when they went to Ground Zero. They came from all over the United States. And now many of them are struggling with health problems that are clearly directly related to that experience. To turn our backs on these brave people is the wrong thing to do.

Will it cost money? Yes. Is it the right thing to do? Yes. We've got to find a way to fund it that's acceptable to Republicans and Democrats.

WALLACE: Well, but let me ask you about that, Senator Durbin. If this 9/11 bill is so important, why is it that the Democratic- controlled Senate never held a vote on this bill until the lame duck session and that President Obama, the best we can tell, has never said a word about this bill in public?

DURBIN: I can't tell you where the White House stands. I hope they support it. I will just tell you this. This is like an airport that has a runway closed down. We have aircraft stacked up trying to land. We have bills stacked up over the Senate because of the nonstop filibusters that we faced this year.

I wish we could have done things more efficiently and more directly. But we've lurched from one 30-hour delay to another 30-hour delay to more Senate quorums. This Senate could be much more efficient. It should be. And it should be much more bipartisan than this.

WALLACE: Will this bill pass?

DURBIN: I think this bill will pass, and I do believe that Senators Gillibrand and Schumer are working night and day to make that happen.

WALLACE: Senator Kyl, one of your objections is -- he was blaming you for the filibusters. One of your objections is that Harry Reid put too many items on the agenda in this lame duck session.

I want to play what you said and then how one of the first responders who now has cancer reacted. Let's watch.


KYL: It is impossible to do all of the things that the majority leader laid out without doing -- frankly, without disrespecting the institution and without disrespecting one of the two holiest of holidays for Christians.



(UNKNOWN): I'm here to say that you won't find a single New York City firefighter who considers it a sign of disrespect to work in a New York City fire house on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.


WALLACE: Senator, everyone -- everyone -- praises the first responders as heroes. You say you're skeptical about this bill. Why not find a way to give these heroes peace of mind when it comes to health care?

KYL: Well, first of all, they should have peace of mind when it comes to health care. The question is what and how.

And when you try to do it, as you said in your introduction, in a hurry, in the lame duck session, without a hearing, without understanding what the ramifications are and whether we can amend the bill, you're doing it in the worst way.

For example, there's already been a settlement for a lot of these people, a fund that has been set up for them to receive funding. Will the people that are supporting this legislation be able to participate in that fund? Nobody has been able to say. Why $7 billion? What will the requirements for qualification be for the money?

Nobody wants to deny care to people who -- and by the way, these are primarily people who helped to clean up the site in the aftermath of 9/11, and there weren't adequate precautions taken in some cases to deal with potential health issues. And to the extent that they've become ill, they do need to be taken care of.

It's one thing to make an emotional appeal, to say we need to care for somebody who did something good. It's another to do it in a sensible way. And that's all we're asking for. You bring it up in the lame duck session with no opportunity to amend it, and you're probably going to make bad legislation.

WALLACE: Let me move to...

KYL: All of this could have been done earlier, I might add.

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Year&#39;s Worst Ads Get What&#39;s Coming to Them - AOL <b>News</b>

The year's worst ads get honored with a very dubious award: a Tracy Award.

Good <b>news</b>: School officials destroy girl&#39;s college plans over <b>...</b>

Good news: School officials destroy girl's college plans over knife mix-up.

Great <b>news</b>: Careerist RINO certified as winner of Alaska Senate <b>...</b>

Great news: Careerist RINO certified as winner of Alaska Senate race.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

foreclosure list

While oil washed onto the shores of Florida, Democrats got wiped out of the House and Glenn Beck brought the Tea Party to Washington, Black Planet members were equally busy debating how these stories were not only affecting them but impacting the future of African Americans. However, none of that really matters because what bubbled up to the top of our most active list was far from discussion on Capitol Hill. Take a look below to see who and what moved the meter on Black Planet. Recognize yourself or any of your friends on our list?

Most Popular Profile

Member MZHONEEBROWN squashed the competition with her little high heel and climbed to the very top of our most popular profile list. A quick visit to her page and you’ll understand why. She’s a single mother, author, dental professional and still finds time to stay connected to thousands of her friends on Black Planet. If Black Planet had a list of 30 people doing big things under 30, she’d get our nomination.

Most Popular Political Figure

President Barack Obama has taken a lot of heat lately from Republicans, members of his own party and the BP community if you ever visit the Current Events boards. However, you still couldn’t stop yourself from clicking on his profile page and that makes him the most popular political figure in our community.

Most Helpful Member

Member Nuage was recognized as a BlackPlanet Rising Member of the Month for a reason. While you were sleeping she was busy sending aid to Haiti. Yeah, we think she’s a saint, too.

Sexiest Destination

We think we have some of the most attractive members and now you can confirm what makes them so sexy in our quiz. What’s Your Sexiest Quality answers the big question: what about you drives the opposite sex (or same sex) wild.  This is where we make that annoying cat purring sound.

Want to see what else topped the list? Check out the photo gallery below.

Most of us won't be retiring anytime soon. But for those few who will be saying goodbye to the workforce forever in the next few years, the people at have put together their list of the worst states in which to live out your golden years.

Here is TopRetirment's list of the bottom of the barrel:

1. Illinois: IL's fiscal health could be the worst of any state. It even borrowed money to fund its pension obligations!

2. California: The Golden State is expensive and its finances are in disarray. Has paid bills with vouchers. Does have a warm climate.

3. New York: Very high taxes, including property taxes. Second highest tax burden and 5th highest per-capita property taxes. Dysfunctional state legislature. Very expensive to live here. Most pensions are exempt, however.

4. Rhode Island: Probably the worst off state in the Northeast from a financial viewpoint. High taxes. Does have some great places to live.

5. New Jersey: The highest property taxes in the U.S. as well as the highest tax burden (as reported by the Tax Foundation) Has serious pension funding issues.

6. Ohio: High taxes (7th highest tax burden) and unemployment. Cold winters.

7. Wisconsin: A high tax state (9th highest tax burden) with cold weather. High property taxes. But it does not tax military pensions.

8. Massachusetts: High taxes including high property taxes. Very high cost of living.

9. Connecticut: CT has the 3rd highest tax burden of any state, taxes social security, and has very high property taxes. It has some terrific places to live, but the cost of living is very high.

10. Nevada: The foreclosure capital of the world. State is having financial problems. But it does not have an income tax (yet).

The site does add the caveat that its list might be "totally irrelevant" to some people:

Folks for whom money or taxes are not important will find our worst 10 list of little value, because they have other considerations that are far more important. For example, those who want to retire near their family members have such an important driver that the "worst" state on this list could be their "best."

Our Worst States to Retire List

bench craft company scam

NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

bench craft company scam

NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

bench craft company scam

NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

bench craft company scam

NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

bench craft company scam

NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

bench craft company scam

NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

bench craft company scam

NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

bench craft company scam

NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

bench craft company scam

NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

bench craft company scam

NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

bench craft company scam

NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

bench craft company scam

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Making Money on Line

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White House Acknowledges Some Low Wage Earners Will Have Less Money In Their Pocket Next Year – Today’s Q’s for O’s WH

December 08, 2010 4:07 PM

National Economic Council director Larry Summers and White House senior adviser David Axelrod joined White House press secretary Robert Gibbs at today’s briefing.

As first noted by the New York Times, some low wage earners may be getting the fuzzy end of the lollipop in this tax cut compromise, in the sense that they may have less money in their pocket next year as opposed to this year. That’s because they receive tax credits through the Making Work Pay tax credit, which expires at the end of this year. That tax credit will be replaced by a payroll tax reduction of 2% -- and for some low wage earners, the tax credit is bigger than 2% of their income.

TAPPER:  I was wondering if you could comment on the New York Times report today that those at the -- at the lower end of the economic spectrum will actually be the only ones with less money in their pocket as a result of this deal because of the Making Work Pay elimination and the...

SUMMERS:  It's a good question.  It's a very -- it's a very good question. You -- you have to figure out what comparison you're going to do. It is true that for a $16,000 a year, so that's an all-year minimum wage worker, it is true that the Making Work Pay would have given that -- would have given that worker $400, and the -- this proposal, the pay roll tax holiday, will give $320.  That's -- and there is that $80 difference.  On the other hand, the proposals, such as the House bill that contained the Making Work Pay, would not have -- would not have included any of the three refundable tax credits that I mentioned, which, cumulatively, for that family, on average are worth several hundred dollars.

Obviously, it depends on how many kids the family has and what the situation is, but on average would work out to about $300 for such a family.  One. Two, would not have included the continuation of unemployment insurance benefits, which provide $300 a week in benefits.  And, three, takes no account of the extra growth increment that will come from this program.  If you raise GDP by 1 percent, that's $2,000 for the average family.

So we, as -- as I've emphasized, this was a compromise.  But if you look cumulatively at the elements that were in this compromise, relative to no deal or even relative to the bill that passed through the House, that $16,000 a year family gets much more support from this bill than it would have -- than it would have in its absence. And we believe you have to look at the totality of the program, not just take one provision from it and compare it with one provision in some other bill.


TAPPER:  But, just to be clear, there are those on the lower end of the economic chart who will be -- who will not benefit in 2011 compared to 2010 in this deal, while everyone else on the financial spectrum will.

SUMMERS:  No.  No.  That's not right.  That's not right. But you just said -- what you just said is factually -- is -- is wrong.

TAPPER:  A single person.  No family.  Doesn't get a child credit.  $16,000 a year.

SUMMERS:  Right.  That person will get $320.  That person will get -- will -- will get $320.

TAPPER:  As opposed to $400 this year.

SUMMERS:  Right.  So there's a person who, if they have -- if they don't benefit from the unemployment insurance, if they don't benefit from the economic growth, if they don't benefit from the EITC or the child care or the American Opportunity Credit, might be $80 behind. There's a far larger number of families, however, who will be hundreds, if not thousands of dollars ahead, because of the refundable tax credits, because of the unemployment insurance and because of the growth.

--Jake Tapper

December 8, 2010
in Current Affairs, David Axelrod, Jake Tapper, Political Punch, President Obama, Today's Qs for Obama's WH, Weblogs, White House, White House Press Briefing
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231 Responses to “Video: Diddy-Dirty Money ft. Swizz Beatz – Ass On The Floor”

  1. NovemberEnd Says:

    December 13th, 2010 at 11:48 pm

    this should be an entertaining read

  2. hl Says:

    December 13th, 2010 at 11:48 pm

    I see you Tron. lol


    but also #TeamTheSouthGotSomethingToSay

  3. Abortatron Says:

    December 13th, 2010 at 11:49 pm

    Percy can rhyme Boy with boy and boy and boy again, bit gets a pass since he really does miss his boy.

    Got it.

    *writes all this down in notebook titled “reality rap handbook”*

  4. GMLLZ Says:

    December 13th, 2010 at 11:50 pm

    helluva comeback….but in typical Texan fashion I expect them to lose

  5. Skighwalker Says:

    December 13th, 2010 at 11:54 pm

    Eskay 2012

  6. d_Block_4_Life Says:

    December 13th, 2010 at 11:55 pm

    @ SI_JonHeyman

    yankees have been told they’re out of cliff lee sweepstakes


    Holy shit

  7. A chick Says:

    December 13th, 2010 at 11:56 pm

    Thank Goodness Esk has a ghost-writer now.

  8. Abortatron Says:

    December 13th, 2010 at 11:57 pm

    @ SI_JonHeyman

    yankees have been told they’re out of cliff lee sweepstakes


    Holy shit


    *sprays champagne all over sleeping wife and kids*

  9. GMLLZ Says:

    December 13th, 2010 at 11:58 pm

    and that’s why there are people out there who still use Internet Explorer


    I don’t understand these people myself.

    And the Texans blow it again.

  10. Abortatron Says:

    December 13th, 2010 at 11:58 pm

    Game over

  11. NovemberEnd Says:

    December 13th, 2010 at 11:58 pm

    @ SI_JonHeyman

    yankees have been told they’re out of cliff lee sweepstakes


    Holy shit


    i hope this kizza tears a rotator cuff

  12. Wenzel Dashington Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:01 am

    Dylon spits hot fiya!

  13. d_Block_4_Life Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:02 am

    *sprays champagne all over sleeping wife and kids*



    Damn, b

    This stings, especially with these recent Red Sox signings..


  14. StephanieIfeoma Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:02 am

    you are absolutely right.. The artists need to step up and stand up for the blogs.. who had a huge hand in making them..

  15. Desus Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:02 am

    Well put homie!

  16. d_Block_4_Life Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:02 am

    Lee to Philly. Wow.

    I’m out forreal..


  17. DDotOmen Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:04 am

    I AM..Blogstradamus.

  18. GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:04 am

    Oh….and fuck Cliff Lee.

  19. A chick Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:05 am

    GMLLZ Says:

    December 13th, 2010 at 11:58 pm

    and that’s why there are people out there who still use Internet Explorer


    I don’t understand these people myself.


    It actually still necessary to have…lots of computer softwares haven’t been upgraded work properly outside of IE.

  20. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:07 am

    whats wrong with IE explore? someone give me insight

  21. GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:07 am

    “not even two weeks ago, a group of us had a meeting and discussed what would happen if we were to ever become a unified body and not put up with you motherfuckers anymore because at the end of day, WE CONTROL the flow of music related news and content, without us…what the fuck would you do?”


    Do it. Wait…don’t do it. No do it. Fuck it.

    It’s for the greater good and the big picture. Short-term pain for music fans.

  22. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:08 am

    internet explorer>IE explore

  23. Abortatron Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:09 am

    whats wrong with IE explore? someone give me insight


    firefox , safari , and chrome are widely regarded as better browsers.

    Personal preference tho , i guess.

  24. Kellee Maize Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:09 am

    this is why blogs are now the gateway to having success in a music career. Rolling Stone, Vibe, or XXL can’t write half as well or as real as this.

  25. A chick Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:10 am

    Damn this song isss dope!

    *is finally intrigued*

    Did Last Train…drop yet? lol

  26. Cashmere Cavalli aka Snowbunny Sampson Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:10 am

    think back to that no mercy discussion…..the street singles should of made the album and it would have been just as good as paper trail

    Im Back

    Yeah U Know (Takers)

    Whatcha Saying Tip *no pun intended*

  27. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:10 am

    i have firefox on my computer also, i just never really fucked with it so much to see a big difference, i usually hear its quicker?? but i got a pretty decent laptop and it seems pretty fast on internet explorer, am i losing?

  28. MaleRose Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:10 am

    Where’s Drake, J. Cole, Wiz, Kanye, B.O.B., The Cool Kids!!!!!

  29. GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:10 am

    It actually still necessary to have…lots of computer softwares haven’t been upgraded work properly outside of IE.


    That’s true. I’ve partnered with a programmer to create a website (not another ubiquitous rap blog or blog of any kind btw) and we were choppin it up and he told me how much of a bitch it is to have to create a website that functions properly in IE and Mozilla and Opera…etc.

  30. Black brokaw Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:12 am

    Shmeh heh meh shmeh. These artist dont have back bones. They just want fame and woildnt do anything to ruin it.

  31. Mel Kiper III Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:13 am

    no fucking way, bro

  32. Deen Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:14 am

    1. The Texans are pathetic. But all their fans already knew that.

    2. Is Cliff Lee about to do what I think he’s going to do? The power of the P.U.S.S.Y. is an enigma wrapped in a mystery and tied up with female pubic hair.

    3. Eskay rants = Hilarity. But truth as well.

  33. Abortatron Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:15 am

    If the Phillies were able to pull off a Lee signing, he would join Halladay, Roy Oswalt and Cole Hamels in a dream rotation for Philadelphia



  34. JihaD Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:16 am

    Pitcher Cliff Lee closed in on a deal with the Philadelphia Phillies late Monday night, as his agent informed the New York Yankees and Texas Rangers that they’re out of the running for the free agent left-hander.


    Sox Win.

    Wow when Land sees this…

    I know that nigga is gonna be sick.

    Red Sox 10- 2011 >>>>>>

    But Phillys 1-2-3 of Halladay, Lee, and Hamels???

    *insert Pusha T ad-lib here*


  35. GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:17 am

    If? The Phillies pulled it off. As a baseball fan it’s an ill rotation on some mid 90′s Atlanta Braves type stuff.

    As a Yankee fan, he can kiss my ass.

  36. DDotOmen Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:17 am

    What’s funny is, I remember calling Eskay earlier this year and talking to him about a certain label and majors in general. We never really came up with a plan on how to implement a blog community embargo. Mainly cause people are in this “game” for different agendas and it’d be damn near impossible to get everyone to cooperate. Besides we still got some sites that are in the back pockets of labels that wouldn’t dare rage against the machine (How else would their interns get paid?)

    I’ve almost stopped paying attention to the content aggregation and just going a completely different direction. I’m not worried about the #freeonsmash movement (they’ll be fine, whaddup hof) I’m worried about what ARE WE GONNA DO AS A COMMUNITY to show the machine, we can play hardball too.

    It’s time to start to creating and not rely or depend on an “exclusive new lil ___” or a world premiere JAY-__ West” –>insert canadian rapper here<– .mp3 to draw in the masses and dedicated readers of our site.

    That where in lies to problem, OUR ability to create and maneuver around the machines bullshit.

    Did I mention I was blogstradamus? probably means this mini rant will be ignored until it's too late. word to niggas on the corner holding "the end is near" cardboard signs.

  37. Still_Boss Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:17 am


  38. djborz Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:17 am


  39. Abortatron Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:18 am

    They just said on espn that Philly and lee have reached an agreement

  40. DDotOmen Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:19 am


    Do it. Wait…don’t do it. No do it. Fuck it.

    It’s for the greater good and the big picture. Short-term pain for music fans.


    It is for the greater good, but there’s been no Blogger G8 Summit to combat the powers that be. le sigh.

  41. Deen Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:19 am

    I care very little about beisbol, but Phillies rotation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Dem niggas might as well add Lincecum somehow. Not playin’ fair at all. That’s that Yankee steez.

    Yankees fell off.

  42. XerCes Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:20 am

    What’s wrong w Iexplorer?

  43. eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:22 am

    >>It actually still necessary to have…lots of computer softwares haven’t been upgraded work properly outside of IE.

    ^this is not really true at all unless your talking about specific, custom made corporate applications. and even then, that doesn’t mean you have to use IE for anything other than that specific app that requires it.

    and if you have to ask what’s wrong with IE in 2010….

  44. Samir Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:22 am

    Maybe they shut down OnSmash because they were annoying with the shitty video player?

  45. Samir Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:23 am

    annoyed > annoying

  46. DP Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:23 am

    They got Kush in the conference room?!?

    *goes back to being a corporate slave*

  47. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:24 am

    dont u hate wen u get a wack as reply like…if u have to ask whats wrong with IE in 2010… not everyone can be up on all their shit….i dont see whats wrong with it, but then i read this, and it makes me wonder what is wrong with it, and instead of sheddin some light, u get that response

  48. Narnian Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:25 am

    this is most likely the best post ive read in a while.

    entertaining as well.

    wait, what is this song about again?

    and Diddy has a group Dirty Money? didnt even know, I was chillin in the cave for awhile.

  49. JihaD Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:25 am

    And that is a big reason why we’re all (bloggers, artists, labels) in the fucked up situation we’re in now. You know who has some power to help though? Artists. You guys need to step up and show some nuts man. You guys talk real tough in your raps and you say you support these sites when you have an album dropping, but then I don’t see you running up on your label’s VP of Legal demanding that the threats stop. If rap blogs helped you sell records, or launched your career, or got your name back out there, then guess what? It’s time to man the fuck up and put some pressure on those labels that you claim work for you. Stand up for something before there’s nothing left to stand up for.


    This rant would mean a lot more if there wasn’t a complex media toolbar at the bottom of the page and all types of ads surrounding it.

    When your talking about “counting your money” you make for aggregating content from the same artists you are claiming to “help” ( and seriously, are you really helping Sean Combs at this point? or Wale? or Donnis? FOH) while simulanetously showing disdain for artists who don’t wanna play by your rules such as Wasalu or Curtis, how can you be suprised at the results?

    You aren’t a tastemaker anymore– if you were, you wouldn’t post half the bullshit you post.

    You want the pageviews, the ad-clicks, etc, and the more you have hoared out your internet space, the more you have brought on your own situation you find yourself in now.

    You wanted to be part of the industry so bad you have now become tied into the politics– and the labels have been playing the game MUCH longer than you have, with a lot more resources.

    The smart thing to do would be to PROVE your power (such as it is) to said labels and stop posting ALL of their shit– NOTHING from Atlantic, Interscope, etc.

    Focus on artists you actually like and wish to promote– if you actually feel that you have the ability to create an artist and sustain their buzz, PROVE IT.

    But you won’t.

    Because now you need the money those established artist brings via their page views.

    And thats why you fail.


  50. hl Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:25 am

    ^Yo! Where is this beat from? This is bugging me that I can’t figure it out.

  51. Mel Kiper III Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:25 am

    DDotOmen Says:


  52. Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:26 am

    I Wanna Know Whats Wrong Wit IE Too… Im Not What You Would Call A Computer Geek… Excuse Me Tech Savvy… I Know How To Use The History Bar And Type And Look At What I Want… IE Allows Me To Do So… Explain Why Safari Or Firefox Is Better Put Me Up On It No Fuggin Homo…

  53. @ILLIONAIRE Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:27 am

    DDotOmen: What’s funny is, I remember calling Eskay earlier this year and talking to him about a certain label and majors in general. We never really came up with a plan on how to implement a blog community embargo. Mainly cause people are in this “game” for different agendas and it’d be damn near impossible to get everyone to cooperate. Besides we still got some sites that are in the back pockets of labels that wouldn’t dare rage against the machine (How else would their interns get paid?)

    I’ve almost stopped paying attention to the content aggregation and just going a completely different direction. I’m not worried about the #freeonsmash movement (they’ll be fine, whaddup hof) I’m worried about what ARE WE GONNA DO AS A COMMUNITY to show the machine, we can play hardball too.

    It’s time to start to creating and not rely or depend on an “exclusive new lil ___” or a world premiere JAY-__ West” –>insert canadian rapper here< – .mp3 to draw in the masses and dedicated readers of our site.

    That where in lies to problem, OUR ability to create and maneuver around the machines bullshit.

    Did I mention I was blogstradamus? probably means this mini rant will be ignored until it's too late. word to niggas on the corner holding "the end is near" cardboard signs.


  54. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:28 am

    don v, we too stupid it seems for a mofucka to take the time and explain something that they make seem so simple…idk why but that shit jus got me aggravated lol not really to that level, but shit…

  55. DavidJuaquin Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:28 am

    Finally, substance.

  56. hl Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:28 am

    I’m using Internet Explorer right now. It’s all good as far as I can tell. *shrugs*

  57. XerCes Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:29 am

    Well put! Jihad

    And @sarjo I feel the same way? Y not just say xyz is a better browser etc. Niggas is crabs n da bucket. Eaxh one teach one man

  58. Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:30 am

    Awww Man Its Bout To Be The Blogger Rennaisance In This Post Right Now… Illionaire Back, New Niggas, an Airything

  59. JihaD Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:30 am

    Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:26 am

    I Wanna Know Whats Wrong Wit IE Too… Im Not What You Would Call A Computer Geek… Excuse Me Tech Savvy… I Know How To Use The History Bar And Type And Look At What I Want… IE Allows Me To Do So… Explain Why Safari Or Firefox Is Better Put Me Up On It No Fuggin Homo…


    As far as stability, customizablity, etc– Firefox, Safari, and Chrome are MILES ahead of IE now. They are simply faster browsers with more options, especially Firefox.


  60. GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:30 am

    But you won’t.

    Because now you need the money those established artist brings via their page views.

    And thats why you fail.


    Oh shit..

    I’m never on Nah this late…but we may have decent conversation now so I can make an exception.

  61. DDotOmen Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:31 am

    I see your immaturity and raise you, truth:

  62. Samir Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:31 am

    sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:24 am

    dont u hate wen u get a wack as reply like…if u have to ask whats wrong with IE in 2010… not everyone can be up on all their shit….i dont see whats wrong with it, but then i read this, and it makes me wonder what is wrong with it, and instead of sheddin some light, u get that response


    IE used to be less secure than Firefox. I’ve heard it’s on par now with its security, but after installing AdBlock on FF and Chrome, I hate whenever I have to use IE for something. I also think Firefox and Chrome are faster, and their interfaces are easier to use for me. Those last couple things are just my opinion, though.

    Firefox and Chrome are also easy to customize – you can put iTunes controls in your browser, block all ads (I don’t see anything on NR except the Complex bar), etc.

  63. nation Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:31 am

    >> Focus on artists you actually like and wish to promote– if you actually feel that you have the ability to create an artist and sustain their buzz, PROVE IT.

    that’s some fruity music industry pipe dream, though

  64. eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:32 am

    >>When your talking about “counting your money” you make for aggregating content from the same artists you are claiming to “help” ( and seriously, are you really helping Sean Combs at this point? or Wale? or Donnis? FOH)

    Do you understand that Puff’s people sent me this video, asked me to post it, and then followed up when I didnt? pretty much every major label artist (and the small ones) do this. you don’t really know what goes on behind the scenes or what emails I get or from who so you can’t really add anything of any value to this conversation.

    and if you think I’m gonna apologize for making money for doing something that the labels would be begging me to do (for free), then you got another thing coming. smh @ you spitting that moral superiority bullshit when you don’t have even the slightest idea of how this shit works.

    and your father’s a faggot.

  65. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:32 am

    that shit that really gets me,is its the nigga who runs this site, who if it wasnt for us visitin, this blog wouldnt be shit, coming off all ignorant….like where the fuck they do that at..

  66. A chick Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:32 am

    IE is a dinosaur…..its like having dial-up internet.

    Google Chrome (for example)….has built-in spell check, tabbing which make multiple page viewings easier, it’s super fast, and it has a unique way of downloading files that I’m too tired to explain.

    Just make the move.

    It’s also less prone to shutting down, popups and viruses.

  67. Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:33 am

    *Daps JihaD*

    Myyyy Nigga…

    Im Sayin… I Dont Got No Mac… Ima PC Right Now… If I Switch To Any Aforementioned Browser Will I Have The Same Experience? As Dumb As That Question May Sound, I Know ALOTTA Niggas Is On The Apple Shit So…..

  68. Selly Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:33 am

    Download Google Chrome and start browsing for a couple days. You’ll never open IE ever again.

  69. Deen Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:34 am

    No, for real. Who sent these niggas.

    Let’s talk about tits or 90s rap please.

    Fuck all this blogging apocalypse shit. Y’all should know not to fuck with the white man’s money by now.

  70. Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:34 am

    nation Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:31 am

    >> Focus on artists you actually like and wish to promote– if you actually feel that you have the ability to create an artist and sustain their buzz, PROVE IT.

    that’s some fruity music industry pipe dream, though


    Doesnt Have To Be

  71. eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:35 am

    furthermore, I have explained exactly why I haven’t and probably wouldn’t ban all major label artists from my site. that being said, even though I don’t want to for my own reasons, there’s still a very real possibility that it could happen.

  72. 456 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:35 am

    clusterfuck by any other name.

    esquire eskay with a vigorous defense of onsmash.


  73. Black brokaw Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:35 am

    Safari takes up too much RAM. Firefox is cool.

  74. Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:36 am

    Alotta Tension Just Arose In This Motherfucka

    Shellz V Esk

    DDOT V Illy?

  75. A chick Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:36 am


    “you can put iTunes controls in your browser”

    Explain please…..

  76. EnglandRepresent Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:36 am

    Jihad Jihad got a good point there actually.

  77. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:36 am

    daps all my pcs running IE… will take advice tho and try chrome….prob wont see a big difference cuz fuck it im content with my IE…i dont get ne viruses, only ad i see is the wack ass complex bar with the fuckin samsung phone poppin up everytime i mistakingly scroll by it(fuckin annoying). and so on

  78. GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:37 am

    Do you understand that Puff’s people sent me this video, asked me to post it, and then followed up when I didnt?


    Lol. That’s hilarious. What do they follow up with? “Yo Eskay, why didn’t you post our video up on Nah? What!?! You don’t fuck wit it or something? What’s the problem? You tryin to anger us so we can cut you out of our semi-exclusives?”

    Seriously. Do they try to big boy you into posting it or what? I’m just trying to get some behind-the-scenes insight?

  79. hl Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:37 am


    Natasha Dulce >>>

    Runaway Slave >>>

  80. JihaD Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:37 am

    eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:32 am

    >>When your talking about “counting your money” you make for aggregating content from the same artists you are claiming to “help” ( and seriously, are you really helping Sean Combs at this point? or Wale? or Donnis? FOH)

    Do you understand that Puff’s people sent me this video, asked me to post it, and then followed up when I didnt? pretty much every major label artist (and the small ones) do this. you don’t really know what goes on behind the scenes or what emails I get or from who so you can’t really add anything of any value to this conversation.

    and if you think I’m gonna apologize for making money for doing something that the labels would be begging me to do (for free), then you got another thing coming. smh @ you spitting that moral superiority bullshit when you don’t have even the slightest idea of how this shit works.

    and your father’s a faggot.


    Thanks for not responding to the entire point of what I said.

    Your full of shit Ashmi.

    You talk about “Oh, Artists don’t know the power they have, and the power we as blogs have”

    But then cry when shit doesn’t go your way.

    If you was really a Boss, act like one. SAY NO. Say, “Nah Puff, I’m not posting your shit.”

    But your a worker.

    And you know it.

    So you posted his shit, just a like a worker… Then complained behind his back– just like a worker.

    And your daughter sucks dick for crack.


  81. XerCes Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:37 am

    that shit that really gets me,is its the nigga who

    runs this site, who if it wasnt for us visitin, this

    blog wouldnt be shit, coming off all ignorant….like

    where the fuck they do that at..

    ^he’s a piece of shit who doesn’t appreciate his blessings.

    @ eskay u should be more humble man! Pride comes before the fall b. Ur shit could easily get shut down as well. Niggas just simply asked what wrong w IE shit me too n u shit on dude

  82. @ILLIONAIRE Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:37 am

    >> I AM..Blogstradamus.

  83. eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:38 am

    >>that’s some fruity music industry pipe dream, though

    ^not to mention that’s not my fucking job. create and sustain their buzz?

    some of you idiots have this shit twisted b. i’m not one of those bloggers who has dreams of being an industry player. people get paid millions of dollars to create artists. I’m a blogger who wants to smoke weed, listen to rap and make a living doing it.

  84. Mel Kiper III Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:38 am

    co-sign the lupe ban

  85. hl Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:38 am

    *throws a chair*

  86. Mel Kiper III Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:39 am

    wale, you next. (ntpf)

  87. 456 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:40 am

    Y’all should know not to fuck with the white man’s money by now.

    ^they been eatin long enough…

  88. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:40 am

    no co sign on lupe ban, one of the few niggas tryin to go against the machine..its pretty crazy i only been commenting two days here and i already dont liek this eskay cat

  89. Samir Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:41 am

    A chick Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:36 am


    “you can put iTunes controls in your browser”

    Explain please…..


    I haven’t used it a long time, but basically it puts a set of controls in your browser. Play, pause, next, previous, etc etc etc – so you can control your iTunes straight from your browser, without switching windows. I eventually just let my iTunes shuffle aimlessly, so I stopped using it.

  90. Black brokaw Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:41 am

    Who is this dude with the durag on? Competing with fred the godson

  91. GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:41 am

    Y’all should know not to fuck with the white man’s money by now.

    ^they been eatin long enough…


    You guys got fat while everybody starved out on the street. It’s my turn. A song gets posted on your site…I want in.

  92. ThatMan Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:41 am

    Cliff Lee and Lebron don’t want any part of NY.


  93. Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:41 am

    Ok Esk… I Thought It Was Deeper Than Blogging Its Obviously Not…

    Somebody’s Gonna Take That Job Tho… And It Will Be GLORIOUS

    Shout Out Tron The Legacy

  94. Mel Kiper III Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:41 am

    hol up….

    so niggas still check for what e$kay be posting? LMAOOO

  95. JihaD Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:41 am

    nation Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:31 am

    >> Focus on artists you actually like and wish to promote– if you actually feel that you have the ability to create an artist and sustain their buzz, PROVE IT.

    that’s some fruity music industry pipe dream, though


    Is it really, though?

    I thought you owned the blog?

    Or do the labels own you?

    Whats the most important thing to you?

    You integrity? Or your payout?

    I mean, you can have both, right?

    Or are you more concerned with one than the other?

    Because that’s what Ashmi’s 5,000 words at the top of this post sound like– he seems more upset that he’s realized he’s being used than anything else.

    And if you truly feel like that, and you have any ounce of integrity or belief in your product, then you would simply say no.

    But like I said, your survival is now tied into posting the video’s of Sean Combs, and the pictures of what CamelGOAT had for breakfast, and Kanye in his latest evening wear…

    And the occasional Fred the Godson video– ya know, to keep it real and all that.


  96. Cashmere Cavalli aka Snowbunny Sampson Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:42 am

    I’m a blogger who wants to smoke weed, listen to rap and make a living doing it.


    *Pimp C voice* CHUUUUUCH!

  97. Mel Kiper III Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:42 am

    i only been commenting two days here and i already dont liek this eskay cat



  98. Samir Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:43 am

    Like this:

  99. Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:43 am

    Illionaire Whoever That Nigga Is He Look Like A BET Uncut Rapper…



  100. EnglandRepresent Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:44 am

    its pretty crazy i only been commenting two days here and i already dont liek this eskay cat

    ^^This makes me chuckle

    And Illy you Summer Jammed the Nahright Screen.


  101. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:44 am

    honestly if ne1 can explain to me, if theyre not too good u know to actually explain something to a nigga, how long has this blog been running, what made it what it is today, to where the dude that runs it feels so comftorable he can shit on his visitors? like i said im fairly new here…been coming here for about a year, dont remember how i heard about it, and only been in the c section 2 days, and it seems thats wut actually makes this shit

  102. A chick Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:44 am

    Samir Says:

    I haven’t used it a long time, but basically it puts a set of controls in your browser. Play, pause, next, previous, etc etc etc – so you can control your iTunes straight from your browser, without switching windows. I eventually just let my iTunes shuffle aimlessly, so I stopped using it.


    Ahhhh I needed this like 3 years ago lol!!

    Thanks ;)

  103. Cashmere Cavalli aka Snowbunny Sampson Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:44 am



    LOL @ This Song

    aint nuthin like money in a ziplock bag

  104. ThatMan Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:44 am

    its pretty crazy i only been commenting two days here and i already dont liek this eskay cat


    that “I’m the new guy and I don’t like the couch you let me sleep on” post

  105. Travelin' Man Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:44 am

    Funny story about this video…


  106. XerCes Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:45 am

    ya know, to keep it real and all that.

    ^this made me lol

  107. Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:47 am

    aint nuthin like money in a ziplock bag


    LOL Yeah Thats It… He Dont Look Like The Nigga Tho?

  108. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:48 am

    thatman?? wut u mean by that. like this isnt the only blog i visit, but for some reason the only blog that kept me in moderation for fuckin ever cuz i didnt know u actually had to reach out to get out of purgatory….this shit isnt some exclusive, members only type shit is it? do i not got the right to complain, when u think a nigga is jus wack for the way they carryin themselves

  109. Black brokaw Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:48 am

    Eskay up here trying to eat the hand that feeds him burritos.

  110. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:49 am

    and jus to put it out there, since i am the new guy, i dont ever send shots, ima mellow dude that jus liek to twist up his tree and bang music….just tryin to get an understanding being the new guy and all

  111. ThatMan Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:50 am

    # sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:48 am

    thatman?? wut u mean by that. like this isnt the only blog i visit, but for some reason the only blog that kept me in moderation for fuckin ever cuz i didnt know u actually had to reach out to get out of purgatory….this shit isnt some exclusive, members only type shit is it? do i not got the right to complain, when u think a nigga is jus wack for the way they carryin themselves


    If anyone supports your right to complain to The Man it’s me.

  112. Ashin' Kusher Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:50 am

    something kinda fishy about all these blog niggas suddenly showing up

  113. GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:51 am

    I thought you owned the blog?

    Or do the labels own you?


    Seems like a reflexive relationship. Either one would have trouble existing without the other.

    Then when it comes to gettin money…limiting the blog to just your own music tastes would definitely limit the visitors and hence the payout. All this integrity talk vs. earnings sounds like some ‘ol Obama vs. Wall Street crap to me.

    Why go into business if not to make a profit? Otherwise the shit’s a hobby (like most aspiring rappers out there).

    Either way, I don’t check Nah to see what music Eskay or Nation likes. I check to see what’s new and to see if I like it.

  114. EnglandRepresent Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:51 am

    Fuck you new guy. Prick.

  115. Deen Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:51 am

    @ hl

    on 2nd thoughts, a JihaD vs. Eskay slapfest is always good entertainment…

    But for the record: TITS >>>

  116. Marv Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:52 am

    Was that essay by Eskay really necessary?…

  117. ThatMan Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:53 am

    that said I still lol at you saying you dont like eskay after 2 days

  118. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:53 am

    ASS>>>>LOL jus personal preference

  119. EnglandRepresent Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:53 am

    I rarely ever listen to any music on Nahright. Fact.

  120. Cashmere Cavalli aka Snowbunny Sampson Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:54 am

    serve a bitch straight D make her face fall off >>>>>>>>>>>

  121. eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:54 am

    word, I work for Puff. he pays me to shit on his music.

  122. EnglandRepresent Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:54 am

    I tune into Nahright to mock Deen’s gay ass football team

  123. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:54 am

    no doubt thatman, well the thing is, i wrote the dude an email a minute ago to get me out of moderation, then a fellow nahger yesterday said that was the problem, that did is useless and to contact nation, i sent nation an email not even 5 min later, i was able to comment…at that point i had to agree with wut ive seen posted here about the dude,

  124. Mel Kiper III Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:54 am

    # EnglandRepresent Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:53 am

    I rarely ever listen to any music on Nahright. Fact.


    case BEEN closed

  125. ThatMan Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:55 am

    # EnglandRepresent Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:53 am

    I rarely ever listen to any music on Nahright. Fact.


    You telling me you didn’t click play as soon as you saw “Diddy-Dirty Money ‘s ASS ON THE FLOOR”?

    Stop playing.

  126. XerCes Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:55 am

    Sarjo got dat Afra/Marv swag!

    @sarjo give it a few days ull get da hang of it. Takes a while. But once ur in ur in. Best strategy is be honest, have objective xonsistent opinion, be honest bout ur stories, and up some pix of breezys ull be in n no time


  127. Mel Kiper III Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:55 am

    i visit this site a whole lot and listen to MAYBEEE one song a week

  128. Mel Kiper III Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:56 am

    comments > content

  129. serialblogger Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:56 am

    great read.. very true and very sad… gone are the days when you have the hot record on radio and its all you need… at this point both the artists and labels are getting sad for example puff has numerous videos out and the album hasn’t even dropped officially so a month or so after it does the hype will cease the record sales will slow all the way down and it’ll be on to the next project… value your own shit what happened to letting each single live a little like the old days…

  130. JihaD Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:56 am

    GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:51 am

    I thought you owned the blog?

    Or do the labels own you?


    Seems like a reflexive relationship. Either one would have trouble existing without the other.

    Then when it comes to gettin money…limiting the blog to just your own music tastes would definitely limit the visitors and hence the payout. All this integrity talk vs. earnings sounds like some ‘ol Obama vs. Wall Street crap to me.

    Why go into business if not to make a profit? Otherwise the shit’s a hobby (like most aspiring rappers out there).

    Either way, I don’t check Nah to see what music Eskay or Nation likes. I check to see what’s new and to see if I like it.


    Thats the key though.

    Why complain then?

    The fuck this fat nigga got to be mad over? Telling artists to “take control”… For What?

    Niggas know you still gonna download their song links to hulkshare and post them diligently.

    And if he is saying, “Yea, I just wanna make my money,” then why is he ranting about what he would happen if he stopped posting their shit?

    Its like I said– his survival is intertwined with these labels and their artists– he eats because they provide the REASON to come to his site, so what the fuck is his problem?

    If you really feel some type of way, then say “No thanks” and deal with whatever consequences that arise.

    Or just shut up, smoke your weed, and keep paying for loosie cigs and 50 cent bags of Doritos from the Corner Bodega with your ad money.

    Simple as that.


  131. GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:56 am

    Either way, I don’t check Nah to see what music Eskay or Nation likes. I check to see what’s new and to see if I like it.


    Oh yea…and then to download it for free of course. But if I can’t get it here…it’s not hard to google the song and get off of Hulkshare or some other file sharing service…for now anyways.

    But in my college years I used to hit the garment district and buy fake Jordans and AF1′s to flip by the box…I know around this time every year is when the Feds crack down on illegal goods…I guess they decided to crackdown on music sharing this year too.

  132. EnglandRepresent Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:57 am

    I’ve peeped more songs through the c-section than I have through the actual posts.

  133. Marv Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:57 am

    Eskay is caught up between the industry and his integrity….

    He doesn’t want to sell his soul but he wants a lot of money….

    Keep fighting brah brah….

  134. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:58 am

    hahah xerces good looks on the info bro, idk about the afra/marv swag tho, no shots but dont they get mad hate? lol

  135. Ashin' Kusher Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:58 am

    # Cashmere Cavalli aka Snowbunny Sampson Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:54 am

    serve a bitch straight D make her face fall off >>>>>>>>>>>


    amazing so amazing so amazing

  136. marcus Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:58 am

    I agree 100%. I couldn’t have said it any better. Something has got to change

  137. kevfrescura de talco Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:59 am

    Your full of shit Ashmi.


    the nerve of this coward telling ANYONE to man up but failed to take a flight to a fight he provoked!

    the nerve of this clown and EVERY ONE OF HIS EMPATHIZERS!

    Hip Hop STAY losing with these circus ring masters.

    How dare you!©RJfarveOrionJackson

  138. JihaD Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:59 am

    Seems like a reflexive relationship. Either one would have trouble existing without the other.


    And the label will always exist; the blog, not so much… Hell, they even started their own blogs, word to Rapradar and Em and Paul owning the site.


  139. eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:59 am

    anyway, Jihad’s such a fucking moron it makes my head hurt thinking about it. lol, at him acting like I don’t know the game I’ve been playing for the past 5 years (at a pretty high level I might add):

    >>he seems more upset that he’s realized he’s being used than anything else.

    ^lol, say word the labels are using me? I thought they sent me music because they respected my opinion or because I’m such a talented writer. who woulda thought that they were just looking for promo. wow, what else can you teach me and can I hire you as a consultant?

  140. Jmack Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:00 am

    Firefox or Google Chrome is better because of all the useful add-ons they have and they allow you to customize how it looks, I havent used IE in years they took to long to adapt and now they’re trying to copy everything firefox and chrome is doing

  141. Deen Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:01 am

    Missing from this frame? Eng’s Mom:

  142. Marv Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:02 am

    Yo whatever you nahgas do, DO NOT listen to 007/ XerCes….

    There’s obviously a reason why the prick wears masks…

  143. Mel Kiper III Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:02 am

    rawse >

  144. Mel Kiper III Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:03 am

    if niggas tryna act like ross aint spazz on that meek millz shit

    i just dont know

  145. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:03 am

    marv liek i said no shots, i jus dont get wut havin the afra/marv swag means

  146. XerCes Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:03 am

    Sarjo ur a fast learner!

  147. eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:04 am

    >>then why is he ranting about what he would happen if he stopped posting their shit?

    and what would happen again? since thats what you think I wrote about.

  148. ThatMan Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:04 am

    I come here for the weekly Curtain$ freestyles.

    *blank stare*

  149. JihaD Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:04 am

    eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:59 am

    anyway, Jihad’s such a fucking moron it makes my head hurt thinking about it. lol, at him acting like I don’t know the game I’ve been playing for the past 5 years (at a pretty high level I might add):

    >>he seems more upset that he’s realized he’s being used than anything else.

    ^lol, say word the labels are using me? I thought they sent me music because they respected my opinion or because I’m such a talented writer. who woulda thought that they were just looking for promo. wow, what else can you teach me and can I hire you as a consultant?



    Lemme get this straight Ashley-

    What exactly are you complaining about?

    That the labels don’t really give a fuck about you?

    Or that if you don’t do what they say, you’ll lose money?

    Your full of shit, B.

    You have no power, b. Your not important in the grand scheme of things.

    and you know it.

    Your job is to promote these artists. They don’t give a fuck about your opinion, or if you shit on their work.

    They just want you to post it on their site.

    To promote THEM.

    Your a worker Bee, not a Boss.

    And trying to act like one really makes you look even stupider than your son.

    I would much rather you talk gully… nah, scratch that, your a bitch.

    And your flights still good til next July.



  150. Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:05 am

    A JihaD… Loosies Is 3 Dollars At The Arabs You Cant Beat That… Newport Longs OR Shorts… Whatevers Clever

  151. Marv Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:06 am

    Sarjo it’s all good homes…

    Half the time I don’t be reading what these lames be typing….

    They just type my name and want attention…

    I don’t play their games though…

  152. Ashin' Kusher Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:06 am

    post that new fabolous video eskay

  153. musicman10 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:07 am

    JihaD and Eskay again??? Nice.. and fuck the phillies… And Eskay as much as you hate that nigga JIhaD he has a point

  154. Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:07 am

    Look At Dub And Sarjo…

    The Beginnings Of An Unlikely Commradery…..

    Teach Him The Way Of The e World

  155. JihaD Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:07 am

    Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:05 am

    A JihaD… Loosies Is 3 Dollars At The Arabs You Cant Beat That… Newport Longs OR Shorts… Whatevers Clever


    West Philly you can cop up for 50 cent a Loosie @ the chinese spot. Newport Longs. The Arabs round the way like to charge more on that godbody shit, like ” why you smoking?”


  156. Cashmere Cavalli aka Snowbunny Sampson Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:07 am

    amazing so amazing so amazing


    i couldn’t stand this song at first but now it’s one of my favorites

  157. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:08 am

    lotta tension up in here…twists blunt, passes around to niggas with no shit on they lip…apologizes for the quality of tree in adavance (not native to this state, and got shitty connects lol)

  158. kevfrescura de talco Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:08 am

    since when does a diddy video inspire a ‘fight the power’ rant?

    4x’s the fuck boi.

  159. musicman10 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:08 am

    post that new fabolous video eskay


    No need for another rant from eskay albeit it was semi truthful

  160. EnglandRepresent Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:09 am

    You lie Marv you lie. You take all this Nah hate to the titty.

  161. musicman10 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:10 am

    kevfrescura de talco Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:08 am

    since when does a diddy video inspire a ‘fight the power’ rant?

    4x’s the fuck boi.


    Eskay Ghost write for diddy

  162. Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:11 am

    LOL… I Said 3 Dollars…SMHead

    I Meant 3 FOR A Dollar…

  163. Sharp Gent Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:11 am

    These companies do suck at the internet .. haha.. Very well articulated, they are watching their own demise. Just like you stated above about evolving with the times and technology. Just like they figured out a way of becoming profitable with MP3 w/ I tunes and all that. They need to react with a practice that helps them earn revenue in this blogosphere. After they deduct what they should PAY YOU for giving them access to all your thousands of readers. They are on the brink of losing major exposure. And I highly doubt anyone standing up.

  164. eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:12 am

    so your stupid ass is in here popping all that shit and you don’t even know what I’m talking about? why don’t you go ask somebody to read the post for you, you fucking idiot.

    and once again, you won’t do shit to me. you would fucking kiss my toes if you ever had to face me in real life, and if your nuts ever drop and you decide to come to ny you can test the theory.

    if not, Paypal me $2000 and I’ll get on a plane to whereever tomorrow. because my fucking time is money Jihad. I’m not some fucking bamma commenter who gets off on talking shit to his favorite blogger.

    I just turned 33 last week and so now it’s been like what? 6 or 7 years since a nigga raised his fucking voice to disrespect me to my face? you damn sure ain’t gonna be the nigga to break that streak believe me.

  165. GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:13 am

    Your job is to promote these artists. They don’t give a fuck about your opinion, or if you shit on their work.

    They just want you to post it on their site.

    To promote THEM.

    Your a worker Bee, not a Boss.


    JiHad raises a good point. I been coming to Nah ever since my homeboy B told me about this site cuz he used to work with Eskay over at XXL. I never even fucked with rap blogs before then.

    The point JihaD raised…or the thought he provoked is…wtf is NahRight about?

    Besides mostly not posting unknown artists (donnie goines and such…esso is my homeboy so I can’t include him), what does NahRight stand for? What’s the standard for blogposts? What should a nigga expect when they check out NahRight for an update?

  166. Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:13 am

    *Pops Popcorn*

  167. eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:15 am

    Kev I’ll buttfuck your grandmother b, stop it.

  168. Ashin' Kusher Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:15 am

    aw shit.

  169. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:17 am

    i kinda asked the same thing gmillz said…like wut made this blog wut it is today, to where the ppl who run the site feel comftorable shittin on their visitors. i jus dont get it, thats like shittin on the consumer when they tryin to buy a product

  170. Black brokaw Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:17 am

    The rant wasnt about promo. More about technology and getting with the times

  171. GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:17 am

    If that fight ever happens….two grown man fighting over…what? Idk. But somebody needs to flipcam that shit. Matter of fact, I’m flying out for that shit. I just earned my Southwest credit too.

    I’m there.

  172. tre Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:17 am

    Sounds like this has been stewing for a while. The entire media industry is full of this fuckery.

    One of the biggest manifestation has been Viacom suing YouTube and then the allegations that Viacom employees were uploading their promo content to YouTube.

    And just last week we learned EMI posts songs on rapidshare and yet it’s the same industry that’s trying to sue them.

    Sony arguably suffered the worst loss. Sony the music label / movie studio basically sabotaged Sony the technology company. At a time when MP3 players were just starting out, Sony hit us left, right, and center with their bullshit proprietary file formats. Then came the music cd rootkit nonsense where they were basically planting viruses on our computers. In the end, Apple basically came out of nowhere and stole their mojo. And I don’t feel the least bit sorry for them.

    It’s like the media industry doesn’t have a clue. Type in your favorite artists/album into Google and add “rapidshare”, “usershare”, “sendspace”, “megaupload” or what ever and you’ve got a download link for what you’re looking for. Everytime one of these goes down, more just keep popping up.

    Basically, the world will keep turning. If it ain’t on nahright, it’ll be some other blog. So I don’t blame eskay for competing. Plus the division between major / indie is so blurred these days it’s silly…have your favourite “major” label artists are on Koch.

    Killing OnSmash was probably one of the stupidest things I ever seen. But whatever, life goes on.

    The funny thing is that embargoes basically don’t exist on blogs. Usually the consequence for violating one is that your site gets blackballed from future exclusives. But industry’s got no choice but to come back to the same blogs because of how much reach they have lol.

  173. eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:17 am

    >>The point JihaD raised…or the thought he provoked is…wtf is NahRight about?

    I’ve blogged and spoken at length about what this site is about to numerous people over the years. just because some of you guys pop up now and then and read a Jihad comment doesn’t mean I have to sit here and explain myself. ask yourself this question: why do you come here if you don’t know what this site is about or what we support?

  174. NovemberEnd Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:18 am

    so Blue Flame Agency sent a video to world premier but it was a raw copyright material that if uploaded to Youtube or any other video site the audio would have gotten silenced or removed altogether…

    you don’t like the song…

    your not getting compensation to post it…

    You don’t have a video player nor do you want to sent it to ONSMASH to upload it fearing a C&D notice or even a shutdown…

    why bother then w/ the labels & agencies that make you go through these obstacles?

    they’ll still pay you for an 2 week album advertisement wallpaper on the front of the site. right?

    if the major artist & label want to you to premier a music video require that its already been uploaded to their generic youtube or whatever video player instead of a raw video file..

    problem solved no?

  175. Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:20 am

    I Think Its Easy… Nah Right Is The Go To For (Most) Of Our Favorite Rappers New Shit… Its That Simple…

    If Jay Or Nas Or Em Or Wayne Or *Insert Hot Rapper At The Time* Has A Premier, More Than Likely Youll Get It Here 1st… Along With A Couple Up And Comers… Rap Radar And DDOT And Them Do The Same But For Some Reason Its A Lil Bit More…On Point Here… Easier To Shift Thru… The C Section Is >>>>>

    Thats What I Came To Nahright For… Along With The Clever Commentary And News Quips And All That…

    And It Could Have Stayed THAT Simple

    But When Bans Of Certain Artists Are Implemented And Grandstanding Is Threw Into The Mix, Then People Start To Question Motives….

    Hence Whats Going On Now

  176. XerCes Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:20 am

    Oh Marv ima let ur slick talk slide tonite.

    I tried to bury the hatchet

    But on the other hand fuck u bitch

  177. kevfrescura de talco Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:20 am

    Kev I’ll buttfuck your grandmother b, stop it.

    >take a plane flight to the A first to grow the balls that will enable you to do that.

    other than that your jus oozing ya creamy bitch filling.

  178. Marv Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:20 am

    Kev I’ll buttfuck your grandmother b, stop it.


    Yo actual tears are falling….

  179. eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:21 am

    >>i kinda asked the same thing gmillz said…like wut made this blog wut it is today, to where the ppl who run the site feel comftorable shittin on their visitors. i jus dont get it, thats like shittin on the consumer when they tryin to buy a product

    ^somebody explain to this guy that shit isn’t sweet in the Nah Right comments. who the fuck are you and how did I offend you? because it’s 2010 and you don’t know why IE is wack? that fucking offends me.

    straight up, don’t come to this site if your looking to get your fucking dick stroked by me or anybody else. there’s plenty of other blogs out there and I been telling niggas for years that if they don’t like something i do or say then they can fucking leave and go fuck with another site.

    yet and still, fuck face bitch niggas like Jihad keep coming back because these comments are the highlight of their sad miserable lives.

  180. 80sbabykp Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:22 am

    Funny story about this video…



  181. GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:22 am

    I’ve blogged and spoken at length about what this site is about to numerous people over the years. just because some of you guys pop up now and then and read a Jihad comment doesn’t mean I have to sit here and explain myself.


    More rhetorical than anything. This shit is a business though. Not hard to create an “About Us” page or something similar.

    Easy for me to know what the site is about. I been coming here for years.

  182. Marv Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:23 am

    Yo I just come here to see new songs and see new videos and talk my shit….

    Every once in a while I get a good laugh from what some of these lames be typing…

    That’s all…

  183. musicman10 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:24 am

    Yo I just come here to see new songs and see new videos and talk my shit….

    Every once in a while I get a good laugh from what some of these lames be typing…

    That’s all…


    Same here b

  184. Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:25 am

    Merry Kicksmas Everybody

  185. BroliC FontS Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:25 am

    Regular Puff hate aside, I actually like this song and what Puff and ‘em is trying to accomplish (poz jic)

    Carry on with the aggressive content

  186. Black brokaw Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:28 am

    Record companies have to find their way back into consumer pockets. Either its really hard to do or they dont want to lose more money than they can make by trying. I honestly think they dont know what to do.

  187. Don Vincenzo Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:28 am

    Why YN Get Fired From XXL?

    Anybody Got That Story?

  188. XerCes Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:29 am

    Lol @ Marv callin ppl “lames”


  189. Upset The Setup Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:29 am

    Post of the year. Break it down on these lames how these major lames aka ‘big content’ are so fucking clueless when it comes to the blog networks they need to survive. This is why you are my fav hip hop blogger. PEACE

  190. eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:29 am

    seriously, what kind of delusional internet troll thinks that the owner of any even moderately successful website is gonna get on a plane to come fight them?

    who would do something so stupid anyway?

    I’m pretty sure Jihad is a unemployed pedophile and I still wouldn’t expect him to take time out of his schedule to come to ny and fight me.

    and yet, he thinks that me, an actual person with a life, family and business to run, is going to get on a plane and go fight some nigga that might not even be a fucking man or adult for all i know.

    smh @ me. this is why I try not to read comments anymore. here it is 1:30 in the morning and I’m entertaining this absurdity.

  191. 80sbabykp Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:31 am

    who comes here for the music> 2dopeboyz and rapradar be servin nahright late passes on a daily basis. it’s all about the c section (no julius caesar just in case)

  192. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:31 am

    i was gonna comment back, but uk wut fuck it, obviously this nigga is a joke

  193. GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:31 am

    Just give me more Vanderslice type stuff and mixtapes. I’m cool.

    I don’t ask for much.

  194. Marv Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:32 am

    Merry Kicksmas Everybody


    Same to you Donny…

  195. musicman10 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:32 am

    Reality is Record companies are trying to do anything possible to regain those album sales they had pre internet pre mp3s and pre blogs.. but they cant… greedy motherfuckers do not want to adjust to the present… niggas stuck on the past

  196. Black brokaw Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:34 am

    Hence them shutting sites down with no effect.

  197. Marv Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:34 am

    All jokes aside, the two chicks in this video look smashable….

    I wonder if Diddy smashed….

  198. rocstar Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:34 am

    yo eskay dont even bother respondin to that sucka jifag. he 40 year old tryin to be a rapper and postin links to music in the comments section of UR blog LOL he already failed. that faggot talkin about integrity. nigga u talk shit to the owner of this blog but in reality u need him to stay in touch with ur 10 friends and get their feedback on that shit u call music. i feel sorry for ur kids.

  199. GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:34 am

    On that note…I’m out. Conversation…internet beef ended…Names I don’t recognize in the building.

    Futures flat to down overnight. One hunnit.

  200. kevfrescura de talco Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:34 am

    this nigga turned bloggin luther king over a diddy video!

    niggas priorities are bitch ass backwards.

  201. XerCes Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:35 am

    here it is 1:30 in the morning and I’m

    entertaining this absurdity.

    ^as r we as r we

  202. GMLLZ Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:36 am

    Lol @ rocstar poppin up to get at Jihad. Shit never stops. Lol. That’s why I love the c-section here.

  203. eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:37 am

    which video it is is irrelevant kev.

    now where ya granny at nigga.

  204. rocstar Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:38 am


    lol. see what i mean tho. everytime i come on here this nigga bitchin and moaning about something. like shut the fuck up and move on to another blog.

  205. sarjo1988 Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:39 am

    this nigga still entertaining the hate, u really be takin this shit to heart, and then tryin to diss sayin other niggas aint grown men, when this nigga is the one acting like a full fledged bitch

  206. NovemberEnd Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:39 am

    Record labels are vampires resistant to adapting or even changing…

    w/ mp3 & Napster first appeared they sick their RIAA dogs on 12 yr kids thinking that if they sue these kids for millions of dollars that it would deter downloading of music files…

    they’ve controlled the record industry for a long time…for the better part of 10 yrs or so they’ve had very little control w/ their pockets getting lighter and lighter…with youtube, blogs, shutting down torrent & p2p sites they’re trying to regain control again…

  207. Ashin' Kusher Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:40 am

    keep this post open eskay

  208. eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:40 am

    aight, i’m done, but it has just been brought to my attention that this nigga jihad has left over 5200 comments on this site since the beginning of the year:

    you’re telling me this site ain’t this nigga’s life? if we were to ever get shut down, this kid is gonna hang up in his closet! wow. I don’t think I have that many comments and it’s my site.

    you can’t tell me this nigga gets any type of pussy.

  209. tre Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:41 am

    yet and still, fuck face bitch niggas like Jihad keep coming back because these comments are the highlight of their sad miserable lives.


    Funny thing is he stays coming back for the same reason labels stay coming back – to generate buzz. People on here looking for new music so what better place than to promote your own? Jihad could easily post his music on other blogs but ain’t no one checking for it.

    At the end of the day if it ain’t nah right, it’s some other blog / website. But since it just ain’t the same elsewhere, we just keep coming back nah right.

    We continue to debate back and forth yet we’ll still be back. And NahRight keeps ticking until the Feds are called in. And the audience fragments and tries to flock to whatever is next.

    The industry basically wants something like radio where they have more control over the content. They can try to start their own thing but it’ll just flop cause they won’t have the audience. So they stay mad cause they gotta deal with all these sites with the audience they’re after.

    On the real, Hulu’s the closest I’ve seen to media companies understanding the Internet. But of course, it’s only in the US so they stay losing.

  210. rocstar Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:42 am

    lol @ 5200.


  211. Mel Kiper III Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:44 am

    eskay Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:15 am

    Kev I’ll buttfuck your grandmother b, stop it.



  212. 80sbabykp Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:44 am

    you can’t tell me this nigga gets any type of pussy

    *4th quarter ether

  213. Black brokaw Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:48 am

    The industry basically wants something like radio where they have more control over the content. They can try to start their own thing but it’ll just flop cause they won’t have the audience. So they stay mad cause they gotta deal with all these sites with the audience they’re after.

    ^true. Iwas gonna say nobody listens to the radio liek they used to. Everybodys connected to the net for the most part and get all the music they want to. For free

  214. 80sbabykp Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:49 am

    why is it so hard for people to spell “like” correctly?

  215. verses Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:51 am

    Crying at some of these comments goin back and forth.

    Let me just add my 2 cents and add that Fuck Wasulu, Big > Nas > Jay, Jay is illumanati, Wheelchair Jimmy is a queer, this $26 a glass whiskey is da shit, that my Louie and gucci collection is better than all you ma fukkas, that I get mad bitches when I be at da club poppin bottles, fuck wale, that my girl sometimes is the most iannoying bitch on the planet and that my boss is a cunt.

    *Hits F5*

  216. DDotOmen Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:57 am

    *blank stare*

    LOL @ niggas having nothing to add to intelligent discussion pertaining to their every day life. comedy.

    *clicks ad to help put you through school*

    *daps JiHad and Novemberend*

  217. verses Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:58 am

    Wait did Es get that idiot RNC write this post like essay?

    Let me re read it and see if he talks bout how much he loves Ye Tudda to be sure.

  218. coldBlooded Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 2:28 am

    I am really feeling this KanYe-like rant you just had. LOL shouts out to Dirty Money for getting more spins just because of this brilliant rant lol *smh*

  219. crash Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 2:37 am

    Damn this is like buyin something at Walmart …then the owner open hand smacking u as u leave …thanks for coming to my site oh yeah and fuck u b

  220. Ron Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 4:57 am

    And even in my country, germany, it isn´t available…

  221. dockevoc Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 10:19 am

    tell em why you mad son

  222. bldngblck Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 10:51 am

    >and if you have to ask what’s wrong with IE in 2010….

    i know i’m late to the party but…

    it’s the lack of extensions, for most people

    and for developers, IE8 still fails the latest Acid test (although IE9 should pass):

    “Acid3 test is a web test page which can be found at from the Web Standards Project that checks the performance of a web browser regarding the issue of following certain selected elements from web standards, especially relating to the Document Object Model (DOM) and JavaScript.

    If the test is successful, the results of the Acid3 test will display a gradually increasing percentage counter with colored rectangles in the background. The number of subtests passed will indicate the percentage that will be displayed on the screen.”

  223. mechanicalCancer Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 10:52 am

    The machine of creating content need to move with the technology and not against it. Hip-hop music is a 21st century musical discipline, which is constantly on the cusp of technology. We are witnessing the fall of what we used to remember of the music industry. Eventually only a hand full of artist will be on majors, while the rest will be independent. It work make fiscal sense to do it any other way.

  224. kylef Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:03 pm

    this is an awesome post and as a rap blogger myself i completely agree. free onsmash! i know i dont pagerank as well as most of the sites in the nahright blogroll but it would be great if you guys could toss my link up!

  225. YaDig Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 12:25 pm

    Eskay you seem like a douchebag.. but I cosign that shit. Props.

  226. Eighty's Baby Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 1:05 pm

    5200 comments? Cot Damn niggas need to go outside and get some fresh air. I been lurking and seldomly commenting on this site for years, and I always found it funny that niggas pop shit to eskay about how lame he and his site are, but continue to come here daily.


  227. Eskobar Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 2:55 pm

    Kudos to Eskay, great read!

    And don’t feed the trolls; NahRight is the best rap blog world wide! Peace bro

  228. ulyssesSon Says:

    December 14th, 2010 at 7:43 pm



  229. » Things I Like: Kid Cudi x Gremlins, Complex’s Native Tongue List, Boundless x Nas remixes, the greatest cat-dog relationship ever, etc Says:

    December 15th, 2010 at 5:51 pm

    this (for those that still like reading…grrr…sigh): Eskay’s tale of trip down a rap-marketing-rabbit hole (thanks to Diddy and copyright fuzzy math), Sam Han’s very academic but fascinating cultural

  230. Narnian Says:

    December 16th, 2010 at 1:56 am

    in the grand scheme of things.

    the owners of this blog doesnt really have to explained/answer to anyone here. they can really do what the fuck they want whether for a hobby or to get paid.

    who gives a shit.

    i come to see whats new and i probably wont buy it,(unless its some necessary things) just like what he said, there are other blogs out there. if u dont like it u dont really have to come.

    but ill be coppin that detox though.

  231. spirit equality Says:

    December 19th, 2010 at 12:31 am

    Seems like a reflexive relationship. Either one would have trouble existing without the other

    ^ You don’t seriously think record labels, which existed for decades before nah right, would “have trouble existing without” it, do you? even if you were referring to blogs in general, i disagree. before blogs, people were on discussion boards spreading the word about music (and promo types came through to spam)

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Today I'm very excited to tell you that Health 2.0 News is launching. We've had the Health 2.0 Blog for several years now and of course have extensively covered the world of Health 2.0 and the Health 2.0 Conferences on THCB. ...

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CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

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The Health Care Blog: Health 2.0 <b>News</b> launches

Today I'm very excited to tell you that Health 2.0 News is launching. We've had the Health 2.0 Blog for several years now and of course have extensively covered the world of Health 2.0 and the Health 2.0 Conferences on THCB. ...

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CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

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The Health Care Blog: Health 2.0 <b>News</b> launches

Today I'm very excited to tell you that Health 2.0 News is launching. We've had the Health 2.0 Blog for several years now and of course have extensively covered the world of Health 2.0 and the Health 2.0 Conferences on THCB. ...

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News sites are a good place to advertise since 92% of consumers use multiple platforms to get news.

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

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The Health Care Blog: Health 2.0 <b>News</b> launches

Today I'm very excited to tell you that Health 2.0 News is launching. We've had the Health 2.0 Blog for several years now and of course have extensively covered the world of Health 2.0 and the Health 2.0 Conferences on THCB. ...

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CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

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The Health Care Blog: Health 2.0 <b>News</b> launches

Today I'm very excited to tell you that Health 2.0 News is launching. We've had the Health 2.0 Blog for several years now and of course have extensively covered the world of Health 2.0 and the Health 2.0 Conferences on THCB. ...

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News sites are a good place to advertise since 92% of consumers use multiple platforms to get news.

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

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The Health Care Blog: Health 2.0 <b>News</b> launches

Today I'm very excited to tell you that Health 2.0 News is launching. We've had the Health 2.0 Blog for several years now and of course have extensively covered the world of Health 2.0 and the Health 2.0 Conferences on THCB. ...

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News sites are a good place to advertise since 92% of consumers use multiple platforms to get news.

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

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The Health Care Blog: Health 2.0 <b>News</b> launches

Today I'm very excited to tell you that Health 2.0 News is launching. We've had the Health 2.0 Blog for several years now and of course have extensively covered the world of Health 2.0 and the Health 2.0 Conferences on THCB. ...

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News sites are a good place to advertise since 92% of consumers use multiple platforms to get news.

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

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The Health Care Blog: Health 2.0 <b>News</b> launches

Today I'm very excited to tell you that Health 2.0 News is launching. We've had the Health 2.0 Blog for several years now and of course have extensively covered the world of Health 2.0 and the Health 2.0 Conferences on THCB. ...

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News sites are a good place to advertise since 92% of consumers use multiple platforms to get news.

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

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