Monday, December 6, 2010

Being Right or Making Money

The whole tenor of the next two years is going to feel like George W. Bush never left office. The GOP will have de facto control over the nation's politics and agenda. If President Obama goes down the Clinton path of triangulating against his progressive base (as seems likely) then he deserves to be a one-term president.

Just look at our captains of industry and finance: Even with the Dow over 11,000 and corporate profits sky high, they label Obama "anti-business." The oligarchy is going for all the marbles. It's behaving like a caricature from the 19th century. It's no accident that the Supreme Court and the Chamber of Commerce and "Americans for Prosperity" and the Koch Brothers and other power elite groups have moved so aggressively at this time to cement their chokehold on our governing institutions.

We're told that corporate profits are the highest in sixty years. Yet at the state and local level we still face savage cutbacks in services while teachers, social workers, police officers and firefighters are being laid off. Public employees' unions (systematically vilified) have agreed to give up all manner of concessions in the form of "take backs" in their contracts, higher fees for health care, slashes in pensions, lay-offs, etc. And this is being done amidst the highest persistent unemployment since the Great Depression. This orchestrated contraction of the public sector at a time when the private sector has failed so miserably is the opposite direction we should be heading.

And why are we told to rejoice that corporations are making record profits?

The dominant narrative of the current economic crisis is not about the recklessness of Wall Street or the folly of Ayn Randism, it's about taxes and deficits and public employees and regulations - the exact narrative the power elite wants.

In his new book, Death of the Liberal Class, the journalist Chris Hedges writes:

"Liberals conceded too much to the power elite. The tragedy of the liberal class and the institutions it controls is that it succumbed to opportunism and finally to fear. It abrogated its moral code. It did not defy corporate abuse when it had the chance. It exiled those within its ranks who did. And the defanging of the liberal class not only removed all barriers to neofeudalism and corporate abuse but also ensured that the liberal class will, in its turn, be swept aside. . . . One by one, these institutions succumbed to the temptation of money, the jargon of patriotism, belief in the need for permanent war, fear of internal and external enemies, and distrust of radicals, who had once kept the liberal class honest. And when it was over, the liberal class had nothing left to say." (p. 139)

Death of the Liberal Class provides an interesting counterpart to Sam Tanenhaus's The Death of Conservatism. The authors show that the two major ideological trend-lines in American politics are both bankrupt. But Hedges is more on target since he saves his harshest criticism for people who are members of the "liberal class" who have become nothing more than facilitators and enablers of corporate power in all its manifestations, economic, cultural, even spiritual.

Whether it's "liberal" Hollywood booing Michael Moore for speaking truth to power at the 2003 Academy Awards, or the "liberal" Thomas Friedman prattling on about "victory" in Iraq and the virtues of "flat-earth" globalization, or journalists being drummed out of the profession for displaying a "bias" not in sync with the needs of the power elite, in such cases it wasn't the "Right" doing the silencing, but the "liberal class" itself purging ideas the corporate power structure doesn't like.

Death of the Liberal Class is poorly edited and Hedges' discussion of the New Left is flawed and incomplete, but he raises some critical points that are as convincing as they are depressing. It's an important little book for anyone who is concerned with the current state of the Democratic Party and liberalism in general. The Obama Administration might very well represent the liberal class in its death throes.

During his first twenty months in office Obama whittled away at his base. He lost the single-payer activists when he denied them a seat at the table even before the negotiations on health care reform began. He lost the peace movement when he caved in to the generals and escalated the war in Afghanistan with 30,000 more troops and a Bush-like open-ended commitment. He lost many environmentalists when he promoted fast-tracking deep water oil drilling and nuclear power to try to win over Lindsey Graham on a climate change bill. He lost homeowners who are underwater when he sided with Wall Street banks to allow the foreclosures to continue unabated. His lackadaisical approach to closing Guantanamo alienated civil libertarians. His Education Secretary's insistence on trashing teachers and their unions and calling for policies that would privatize public education pushed away public school teachers and many women who make up the Democratic base. His Press Secretary's belittling of the "professional left" was just the icing on the cake and illustrates the kind of "death of liberalism" Chris Hedges examines.

Meanwhile, FDR, Truman, JFK, and Lyndon Johnson are all rolling over in their graves at the spectacle of a "liberal" Democratic president appointing a "bi-partisan deficit commission" with one co-chair who serves on the board of directors of a Wall Street investment bank (the "Democrat"), and another co-chair who is a certified right-wing nut-job from Wyoming who calls Social Security "a milk cow with 310 million tits" (the Republican). The smarter move for a Democratic president would have been at least to appoint a commission with one very liberal and respected Democratic co-chair teamed up with a lesser-known moderate Republican. Obama's choice of Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles is stupid politics from a supposedly smart administration.

In Afghanistan, when the U.S. and NATO aren't negotiating with hucksters posing as "the Number Two Taliban Commander," they're escalating drone attacks that are swelling the number of Pashtun refugees who have fled the fighting. Five million or so have settled in Karachi, Pakistan, upsetting that city of 18 million's subtle and tense ethnic mix.

And when Afghan President Hamid Karzai periodically complains about the U.S. and NATO needlessly killing women and children in his country the official American response is eerily reminiscent of the Vietnam War era. "If we're ponying up billions of dollars to ensure that President Karzai can continue to build and develop his country," President Obama recently said "then he's got to also pay attention to our concerns as well. . . . he's got to understand that I've got a bunch of young men and women" who are "in a foreign country being shot at" and "need to protect themselves." If Karzai cannot even criticize the rules of engagement of a Western army that is occupying his country without bringing ridicule from the President then Obama might as well come out and say outright that Karzai is a U.S. puppet.

And there's Representative Darrell Issa, (the wealthiest member of the House and now one of the most powerful), who hails from a California district that is heavily dependent on massive infusions of federal money even while he denounces "Big Government." But you can count on the "liberal" media to sweep this glaring hypocrisy under the rug while they hyperventilate over each one of Issa's latest "Obama-gates."

The Democratic Party lost its spine the moment it decided to cash in on all that corporate political money. If we don't reverse the effects of Citizens United and get the money out of our political system all of the other progressive causes don't stand a chance. A real breakthrough would be to unite Left and Right, the progressives and the Tea Partiers in a shared effort to get the money out of the politics -- we might disagree on almost every other issue, but buying and selling politicians and rigging elections with corporate cash should be an area where there is common ground. And if Obama starts triangulating Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich should run in the primaries. The Democratic Party at that point will have nothing left to lose.

It’s that magical time of the year when brand preferences are being lodged in the consumer psyche by any means necessary, be it free online shipping offers or conventional “doorbuster” style shopper stampedes. (Plus, in an admirable show of advance conditioning, there are those sidebar Four Loko-fueled parking lot brawls.)

But the romance of the brand is a notoriously ephemeral thing, as any casual survey of thrift-store Tickle-Me Elmo and Tamagotchi displays will promptly demonstrate. To do the job right, in this as in so many other realms, we would do well to heed the example of the Germans. As Bloomberg’s Chris Reiter reports, Deutschland’s Big Three automakers—BMW, Mercedes, and Audi (now a Volkswagen property)—have long been locked into a battle for the overtaxed attention spans of the youth market.

Back in February, Audi made a dramatic bid for high-end kiddie allegiance with a $13,300 model of a 1930s roadster, evidently calculating that a Weimar-era collectible is the perfect bridge to the true sturm-und-drang of a privileged adolescence. The model comes replete with “an aluminum frame, hydraulic brakes, seven speeds, leather-clad steering wheel, and oak dashboard,” and nearly sold out of its initial 500-unit manufacturing run, Reiter notes.

The idea behind such lush toy marketing, of course, is to instill intense brand-loyalty among the market’s littlest thought leaders. "Merchandising is important not because you can make huge money with it,” Audi sales chief Peter Schwarzenbauer tells Reiter, “but because it's another means of positioning your brand.” That means that Audi isn’t confining its initiatives to pint-sized drive trains, but is branching out to other durable badges of status, such as a $17,000-plus table soccer game—the idea here, evidently, being not so much to cultivate hooligan-style soccer fandom in the plutocratic young, but rather to inculcate the more genteel and respectable habit of full-scale team ownership.

It’s true that Audi isn’t neglecting more downmarket kiddie consumers in its push, with a $60 branded teddy bear and a $400 red-plastic version of the roadster; here, the functional array of model accessories include “an adjustable rollover bar, hand brake, over-sized tires with Audi-style rims, and padded seats.” But the main event is clearly the scrum for top-line market cachet, which is why Audi’s rivals are stepping up their game. Mercedes, for instance, is planning a spring rollout for “the foot-powered SLS Bobby-Benz, featuring headlights, grill, and rear end similar to those of the company's $183,000 SLS sportscar. The toy SLS features quiet-running tires, an Ackermann steering system with tight cornering for living-room maneuverability, and a steering wheel that absorbs impact to prevent injury in the event of a collision.” The model will boast a comparatively modest $120 asking price—but that loss-leader price point is a small sacrifice when you’re grooming future six-figure auto customers. "All the products have to live up to Mercedes' standards for quality and safety—especially our toys, which are all-time favorites with the next generation of Mercedes-Benz customers," reports Christian Boucke, who heads up the Benz accessories division.

BMW, meanwhile, appears to be the most horizontally minded lifestyle competitor in the luxe-branded market, brandishing a wide panoply of gear from a $460 kid-scale version of its M3 GT2 race car to a pair of $50 rain boots. The Beamer accessories division also turns a healthy 7 percentish profit—even though its brand-keepers, too, stress their real stake is in the longer-term loyalty game. “We are first and foremost a marketing initiative, and the main objectives are to broaden the brand's presence and strengthen loyalty," says Thomas Goerdt, who directs BMW’s distinctly un-German-sounding merchandising and lifestyle unit.

Still, the great risk of too-rampant accessory branding is market saturation—which is why Michel Gabriel, a branding specialist who has advised past Audi projectS, draws the line at underwear, even though “a lot of money can be made from a product” aimed at the intimate end of the brand market.

We can’t help thinking, though, that the Grosse Drei auto barons are selling short tomorrow’s financial titans with mere miniature knockoffs of luxury rides—and not just because their British competitor, Aston Martin, still owns the highest tip of the market with a Volante Junior model fetching a cool $24,000 with a devoted consumer base of young royals—who have duly gone on to modify their fullscale Astons to run on wine.

After all, the lesson of branding the world over is that a truly consummate brand eventually eclipses its mere material referent—hence the power of the glyphlike Nike swoosh (which only cost the firm $35 when design student Carolyn Davidson submitted in in 1971), or the “i”-themed Mac brand interface. Likewise, the business model for Mercedes has involved coaxing lavish multimillion-dollar subsidies from U.S. lawmakers at the same time it’s presented itself as an above-the-fray survivor of the 2008 global auto downturn.

Likewise, BMW has briskly seen to it that influential state congressional delegations have placed its own export interests ahead of the bailed-out U.S. auto industry—while Audi’s corporate parent Volkswagen has at least been candid in soliciting U.S. bailout funds, while also putting in for homeland funds to shore up its rickety loan operation. (Needless to say, this corporate pursuit of public-sector handouts doesn’t seem to have softened VW’s stand on American union drives, since like other foreign automakers, it’s expanded operations in anti-union right-to-work states to evade higher labor costs at home.) All of which is to say that, if doting plutocratic parents are looking to instill formative brand preferences this holiday season, nothing says “heed daddy’s example” like a simple, influence-subsidized government check. And Lord knows that for the properly connected family or industry, a good government kickback is about as hard to obtain as a pair BMW rain boots.

You, valued and valuable reader, are invited to join Chris Lehmann and your other fellow rich people to celebrate the publication of Rich People Things, this Thursday, December 2nd, at Le Poisson Rouge in New York City, from 7 to 9 p.m. There will even be a brief chit-chat with Thomas Frank and Maureen "Moe" Tkacik.

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> Alert: Big Growth for Internet Ads Through 2014: Tech <b>News</b> «

eMarketer, a New York-based research firm estimates spending on US internet advertisements, will grow 13.9 percent to $25.8 billion for the full year. It expects a 10.5 percent increase in US online ad spending in 2011, ...

NMA <b>News</b> | Simpsons | Simpsons Fox <b>News</b> | Mediaite

Taiwan's NMA News has taken on the battle between The Simpsons over at Fox Broadcasting and their conservative corporate cousins at Fox News, depicting both of The Simpsons recent attacks on the network as well as Bill O'Reilly's ...

<b>News</b> - Justin Bieber Cancels German TV Gig After Stunt Goes Awry <b>...</b>

The teen singer scraps his performance after a man is severely injured on the popular series Wetten Dass.

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> Alert: Big Growth for Internet Ads Through 2014: Tech <b>News</b> «

eMarketer, a New York-based research firm estimates spending on US internet advertisements, will grow 13.9 percent to $25.8 billion for the full year. It expects a 10.5 percent increase in US online ad spending in 2011, ...

NMA <b>News</b> | Simpsons | Simpsons Fox <b>News</b> | Mediaite

Taiwan's NMA News has taken on the battle between The Simpsons over at Fox Broadcasting and their conservative corporate cousins at Fox News, depicting both of The Simpsons recent attacks on the network as well as Bill O'Reilly's ...

<b>News</b> - Justin Bieber Cancels German TV Gig After Stunt Goes Awry <b>...</b>

The teen singer scraps his performance after a man is severely injured on the popular series Wetten Dass.

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> Alert: Big Growth for Internet Ads Through 2014: Tech <b>News</b> «

eMarketer, a New York-based research firm estimates spending on US internet advertisements, will grow 13.9 percent to $25.8 billion for the full year. It expects a 10.5 percent increase in US online ad spending in 2011, ...

NMA <b>News</b> | Simpsons | Simpsons Fox <b>News</b> | Mediaite

Taiwan's NMA News has taken on the battle between The Simpsons over at Fox Broadcasting and their conservative corporate cousins at Fox News, depicting both of The Simpsons recent attacks on the network as well as Bill O'Reilly's ...

<b>News</b> - Justin Bieber Cancels German TV Gig After Stunt Goes Awry <b>...</b>

The teen singer scraps his performance after a man is severely injured on the popular series Wetten Dass.

bench craft company rip off
<b> Noticias </ b> Alerta: gran crecimiento para los anuncios de Internet a través de 2014: Tecnología <b> Noticias </ b> «eMarketer, una firma de investigación de Nueva York, estima el gasto en anuncios de Internet en EE.UU., crecerá un 13,9 por ciento a 25,8 mil millones dólares para todo el año. Se espera un aumento del 10,5 por ciento en el gasto de EE.UU. de publicidad en línea en 2011, ...

NMA <b> Noticias </ b> | Los Simpson | Los Simpson Fox <b> Noticias </ b> | NMA MediaiteTaiwan News ha dado a la batalla entre Los Simpson en la Fox Broadcasting y sus primos corporativos conservadora de Fox News , que representa tanto de los ataques recientes Simpson en la red, así como Bill O'Reilly ...

<b> Noticias </ b> - Justin Bieber Cancela televisión alemana concierto tras Stunt sale mal <b> ...</ b> La cantante adolescente restos de su actuación después de que un hombre está gravemente herido en la popular serie Wetten Dass.

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> Alert: Big Growth for Internet Ads Through 2014: Tech <b>News</b> «

eMarketer, a New York-based research firm estimates spending on US internet advertisements, will grow 13.9 percent to $25.8 billion for the full year. It expects a 10.5 percent increase in US online ad spending in 2011, ...

NMA <b>News</b> | Simpsons | Simpsons Fox <b>News</b> | Mediaite

Taiwan's NMA News has taken on the battle between The Simpsons over at Fox Broadcasting and their conservative corporate cousins at Fox News, depicting both of The Simpsons recent attacks on the network as well as Bill O'Reilly's ...

<b>News</b> - Justin Bieber Cancels German TV Gig After Stunt Goes Awry <b>...</b>

The teen singer scraps his performance after a man is severely injured on the popular series Wetten Dass.

bench craft company rip off

The whole tenor of the next two years is going to feel like George W. Bush never left office. The GOP will have de facto control over the nation's politics and agenda. If President Obama goes down the Clinton path of triangulating against his progressive base (as seems likely) then he deserves to be a one-term president.

Just look at our captains of industry and finance: Even with the Dow over 11,000 and corporate profits sky high, they label Obama "anti-business." The oligarchy is going for all the marbles. It's behaving like a caricature from the 19th century. It's no accident that the Supreme Court and the Chamber of Commerce and "Americans for Prosperity" and the Koch Brothers and other power elite groups have moved so aggressively at this time to cement their chokehold on our governing institutions.

We're told that corporate profits are the highest in sixty years. Yet at the state and local level we still face savage cutbacks in services while teachers, social workers, police officers and firefighters are being laid off. Public employees' unions (systematically vilified) have agreed to give up all manner of concessions in the form of "take backs" in their contracts, higher fees for health care, slashes in pensions, lay-offs, etc. And this is being done amidst the highest persistent unemployment since the Great Depression. This orchestrated contraction of the public sector at a time when the private sector has failed so miserably is the opposite direction we should be heading.

And why are we told to rejoice that corporations are making record profits?

The dominant narrative of the current economic crisis is not about the recklessness of Wall Street or the folly of Ayn Randism, it's about taxes and deficits and public employees and regulations - the exact narrative the power elite wants.

In his new book, Death of the Liberal Class, the journalist Chris Hedges writes:

"Liberals conceded too much to the power elite. The tragedy of the liberal class and the institutions it controls is that it succumbed to opportunism and finally to fear. It abrogated its moral code. It did not defy corporate abuse when it had the chance. It exiled those within its ranks who did. And the defanging of the liberal class not only removed all barriers to neofeudalism and corporate abuse but also ensured that the liberal class will, in its turn, be swept aside. . . . One by one, these institutions succumbed to the temptation of money, the jargon of patriotism, belief in the need for permanent war, fear of internal and external enemies, and distrust of radicals, who had once kept the liberal class honest. And when it was over, the liberal class had nothing left to say." (p. 139)

Death of the Liberal Class provides an interesting counterpart to Sam Tanenhaus's The Death of Conservatism. The authors show that the two major ideological trend-lines in American politics are both bankrupt. But Hedges is more on target since he saves his harshest criticism for people who are members of the "liberal class" who have become nothing more than facilitators and enablers of corporate power in all its manifestations, economic, cultural, even spiritual.

Whether it's "liberal" Hollywood booing Michael Moore for speaking truth to power at the 2003 Academy Awards, or the "liberal" Thomas Friedman prattling on about "victory" in Iraq and the virtues of "flat-earth" globalization, or journalists being drummed out of the profession for displaying a "bias" not in sync with the needs of the power elite, in such cases it wasn't the "Right" doing the silencing, but the "liberal class" itself purging ideas the corporate power structure doesn't like.

Death of the Liberal Class is poorly edited and Hedges' discussion of the New Left is flawed and incomplete, but he raises some critical points that are as convincing as they are depressing. It's an important little book for anyone who is concerned with the current state of the Democratic Party and liberalism in general. The Obama Administration might very well represent the liberal class in its death throes.

During his first twenty months in office Obama whittled away at his base. He lost the single-payer activists when he denied them a seat at the table even before the negotiations on health care reform began. He lost the peace movement when he caved in to the generals and escalated the war in Afghanistan with 30,000 more troops and a Bush-like open-ended commitment. He lost many environmentalists when he promoted fast-tracking deep water oil drilling and nuclear power to try to win over Lindsey Graham on a climate change bill. He lost homeowners who are underwater when he sided with Wall Street banks to allow the foreclosures to continue unabated. His lackadaisical approach to closing Guantanamo alienated civil libertarians. His Education Secretary's insistence on trashing teachers and their unions and calling for policies that would privatize public education pushed away public school teachers and many women who make up the Democratic base. His Press Secretary's belittling of the "professional left" was just the icing on the cake and illustrates the kind of "death of liberalism" Chris Hedges examines.

Meanwhile, FDR, Truman, JFK, and Lyndon Johnson are all rolling over in their graves at the spectacle of a "liberal" Democratic president appointing a "bi-partisan deficit commission" with one co-chair who serves on the board of directors of a Wall Street investment bank (the "Democrat"), and another co-chair who is a certified right-wing nut-job from Wyoming who calls Social Security "a milk cow with 310 million tits" (the Republican). The smarter move for a Democratic president would have been at least to appoint a commission with one very liberal and respected Democratic co-chair teamed up with a lesser-known moderate Republican. Obama's choice of Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles is stupid politics from a supposedly smart administration.

In Afghanistan, when the U.S. and NATO aren't negotiating with hucksters posing as "the Number Two Taliban Commander," they're escalating drone attacks that are swelling the number of Pashtun refugees who have fled the fighting. Five million or so have settled in Karachi, Pakistan, upsetting that city of 18 million's subtle and tense ethnic mix.

And when Afghan President Hamid Karzai periodically complains about the U.S. and NATO needlessly killing women and children in his country the official American response is eerily reminiscent of the Vietnam War era. "If we're ponying up billions of dollars to ensure that President Karzai can continue to build and develop his country," President Obama recently said "then he's got to also pay attention to our concerns as well. . . . he's got to understand that I've got a bunch of young men and women" who are "in a foreign country being shot at" and "need to protect themselves." If Karzai cannot even criticize the rules of engagement of a Western army that is occupying his country without bringing ridicule from the President then Obama might as well come out and say outright that Karzai is a U.S. puppet.

And there's Representative Darrell Issa, (the wealthiest member of the House and now one of the most powerful), who hails from a California district that is heavily dependent on massive infusions of federal money even while he denounces "Big Government." But you can count on the "liberal" media to sweep this glaring hypocrisy under the rug while they hyperventilate over each one of Issa's latest "Obama-gates."

The Democratic Party lost its spine the moment it decided to cash in on all that corporate political money. If we don't reverse the effects of Citizens United and get the money out of our political system all of the other progressive causes don't stand a chance. A real breakthrough would be to unite Left and Right, the progressives and the Tea Partiers in a shared effort to get the money out of the politics -- we might disagree on almost every other issue, but buying and selling politicians and rigging elections with corporate cash should be an area where there is common ground. And if Obama starts triangulating Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich should run in the primaries. The Democratic Party at that point will have nothing left to lose.

It’s that magical time of the year when brand preferences are being lodged in the consumer psyche by any means necessary, be it free online shipping offers or conventional “doorbuster” style shopper stampedes. (Plus, in an admirable show of advance conditioning, there are those sidebar Four Loko-fueled parking lot brawls.)

But the romance of the brand is a notoriously ephemeral thing, as any casual survey of thrift-store Tickle-Me Elmo and Tamagotchi displays will promptly demonstrate. To do the job right, in this as in so many other realms, we would do well to heed the example of the Germans. As Bloomberg’s Chris Reiter reports, Deutschland’s Big Three automakers—BMW, Mercedes, and Audi (now a Volkswagen property)—have long been locked into a battle for the overtaxed attention spans of the youth market.

Back in February, Audi made a dramatic bid for high-end kiddie allegiance with a $13,300 model of a 1930s roadster, evidently calculating that a Weimar-era collectible is the perfect bridge to the true sturm-und-drang of a privileged adolescence. The model comes replete with “an aluminum frame, hydraulic brakes, seven speeds, leather-clad steering wheel, and oak dashboard,” and nearly sold out of its initial 500-unit manufacturing run, Reiter notes.

The idea behind such lush toy marketing, of course, is to instill intense brand-loyalty among the market’s littlest thought leaders. "Merchandising is important not because you can make huge money with it,” Audi sales chief Peter Schwarzenbauer tells Reiter, “but because it's another means of positioning your brand.” That means that Audi isn’t confining its initiatives to pint-sized drive trains, but is branching out to other durable badges of status, such as a $17,000-plus table soccer game—the idea here, evidently, being not so much to cultivate hooligan-style soccer fandom in the plutocratic young, but rather to inculcate the more genteel and respectable habit of full-scale team ownership.

It’s true that Audi isn’t neglecting more downmarket kiddie consumers in its push, with a $60 branded teddy bear and a $400 red-plastic version of the roadster; here, the functional array of model accessories include “an adjustable rollover bar, hand brake, over-sized tires with Audi-style rims, and padded seats.” But the main event is clearly the scrum for top-line market cachet, which is why Audi’s rivals are stepping up their game. Mercedes, for instance, is planning a spring rollout for “the foot-powered SLS Bobby-Benz, featuring headlights, grill, and rear end similar to those of the company's $183,000 SLS sportscar. The toy SLS features quiet-running tires, an Ackermann steering system with tight cornering for living-room maneuverability, and a steering wheel that absorbs impact to prevent injury in the event of a collision.” The model will boast a comparatively modest $120 asking price—but that loss-leader price point is a small sacrifice when you’re grooming future six-figure auto customers. "All the products have to live up to Mercedes' standards for quality and safety—especially our toys, which are all-time favorites with the next generation of Mercedes-Benz customers," reports Christian Boucke, who heads up the Benz accessories division.

BMW, meanwhile, appears to be the most horizontally minded lifestyle competitor in the luxe-branded market, brandishing a wide panoply of gear from a $460 kid-scale version of its M3 GT2 race car to a pair of $50 rain boots. The Beamer accessories division also turns a healthy 7 percentish profit—even though its brand-keepers, too, stress their real stake is in the longer-term loyalty game. “We are first and foremost a marketing initiative, and the main objectives are to broaden the brand's presence and strengthen loyalty," says Thomas Goerdt, who directs BMW’s distinctly un-German-sounding merchandising and lifestyle unit.

Still, the great risk of too-rampant accessory branding is market saturation—which is why Michel Gabriel, a branding specialist who has advised past Audi projectS, draws the line at underwear, even though “a lot of money can be made from a product” aimed at the intimate end of the brand market.

We can’t help thinking, though, that the Grosse Drei auto barons are selling short tomorrow’s financial titans with mere miniature knockoffs of luxury rides—and not just because their British competitor, Aston Martin, still owns the highest tip of the market with a Volante Junior model fetching a cool $24,000 with a devoted consumer base of young royals—who have duly gone on to modify their fullscale Astons to run on wine.

After all, the lesson of branding the world over is that a truly consummate brand eventually eclipses its mere material referent—hence the power of the glyphlike Nike swoosh (which only cost the firm $35 when design student Carolyn Davidson submitted in in 1971), or the “i”-themed Mac brand interface. Likewise, the business model for Mercedes has involved coaxing lavish multimillion-dollar subsidies from U.S. lawmakers at the same time it’s presented itself as an above-the-fray survivor of the 2008 global auto downturn.

Likewise, BMW has briskly seen to it that influential state congressional delegations have placed its own export interests ahead of the bailed-out U.S. auto industry—while Audi’s corporate parent Volkswagen has at least been candid in soliciting U.S. bailout funds, while also putting in for homeland funds to shore up its rickety loan operation. (Needless to say, this corporate pursuit of public-sector handouts doesn’t seem to have softened VW’s stand on American union drives, since like other foreign automakers, it’s expanded operations in anti-union right-to-work states to evade higher labor costs at home.) All of which is to say that, if doting plutocratic parents are looking to instill formative brand preferences this holiday season, nothing says “heed daddy’s example” like a simple, influence-subsidized government check. And Lord knows that for the properly connected family or industry, a good government kickback is about as hard to obtain as a pair BMW rain boots.

You, valued and valuable reader, are invited to join Chris Lehmann and your other fellow rich people to celebrate the publication of Rich People Things, this Thursday, December 2nd, at Le Poisson Rouge in New York City, from 7 to 9 p.m. There will even be a brief chit-chat with Thomas Frank and Maureen "Moe" Tkacik.

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> Alert: Big Growth for Internet Ads Through 2014: Tech <b>News</b> «

eMarketer, a New York-based research firm estimates spending on US internet advertisements, will grow 13.9 percent to $25.8 billion for the full year. It expects a 10.5 percent increase in US online ad spending in 2011, ...

NMA <b>News</b> | Simpsons | Simpsons Fox <b>News</b> | Mediaite

Taiwan's NMA News has taken on the battle between The Simpsons over at Fox Broadcasting and their conservative corporate cousins at Fox News, depicting both of The Simpsons recent attacks on the network as well as Bill O'Reilly's ...

<b>News</b> - Justin Bieber Cancels German TV Gig After Stunt Goes Awry <b>...</b>

The teen singer scraps his performance after a man is severely injured on the popular series Wetten Dass.

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> Alert: Big Growth for Internet Ads Through 2014: Tech <b>News</b> «

eMarketer, a New York-based research firm estimates spending on US internet advertisements, will grow 13.9 percent to $25.8 billion for the full year. It expects a 10.5 percent increase in US online ad spending in 2011, ...

NMA <b>News</b> | Simpsons | Simpsons Fox <b>News</b> | Mediaite

Taiwan's NMA News has taken on the battle between The Simpsons over at Fox Broadcasting and their conservative corporate cousins at Fox News, depicting both of The Simpsons recent attacks on the network as well as Bill O'Reilly's ...

<b>News</b> - Justin Bieber Cancels German TV Gig After Stunt Goes Awry <b>...</b>

The teen singer scraps his performance after a man is severely injured on the popular series Wetten Dass.

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> Alert: Big Growth for Internet Ads Through 2014: Tech <b>News</b> «

eMarketer, a New York-based research firm estimates spending on US internet advertisements, will grow 13.9 percent to $25.8 billion for the full year. It expects a 10.5 percent increase in US online ad spending in 2011, ...

NMA <b>News</b> | Simpsons | Simpsons Fox <b>News</b> | Mediaite

Taiwan's NMA News has taken on the battle between The Simpsons over at Fox Broadcasting and their conservative corporate cousins at Fox News, depicting both of The Simpsons recent attacks on the network as well as Bill O'Reilly's ...

<b>News</b> - Justin Bieber Cancels German TV Gig After Stunt Goes Awry <b>...</b>

The teen singer scraps his performance after a man is severely injured on the popular series Wetten Dass.

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> Alert: Big Growth for Internet Ads Through 2014: Tech <b>News</b> «

eMarketer, a New York-based research firm estimates spending on US internet advertisements, will grow 13.9 percent to $25.8 billion for the full year. It expects a 10.5 percent increase in US online ad spending in 2011, ...

NMA <b>News</b> | Simpsons | Simpsons Fox <b>News</b> | Mediaite

Taiwan's NMA News has taken on the battle between The Simpsons over at Fox Broadcasting and their conservative corporate cousins at Fox News, depicting both of The Simpsons recent attacks on the network as well as Bill O'Reilly's ...

<b>News</b> - Justin Bieber Cancels German TV Gig After Stunt Goes Awry <b>...</b>

The teen singer scraps his performance after a man is severely injured on the popular series Wetten Dass.

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> Alert: Big Growth for Internet Ads Through 2014: Tech <b>News</b> «

eMarketer, a New York-based research firm estimates spending on US internet advertisements, will grow 13.9 percent to $25.8 billion for the full year. It expects a 10.5 percent increase in US online ad spending in 2011, ...

NMA <b>News</b> | Simpsons | Simpsons Fox <b>News</b> | Mediaite

Taiwan's NMA News has taken on the battle between The Simpsons over at Fox Broadcasting and their conservative corporate cousins at Fox News, depicting both of The Simpsons recent attacks on the network as well as Bill O'Reilly's ...

<b>News</b> - Justin Bieber Cancels German TV Gig After Stunt Goes Awry <b>...</b>

The teen singer scraps his performance after a man is severely injured on the popular series Wetten Dass.

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> Alert: Big Growth for Internet Ads Through 2014: Tech <b>News</b> «

eMarketer, a New York-based research firm estimates spending on US internet advertisements, will grow 13.9 percent to $25.8 billion for the full year. It expects a 10.5 percent increase in US online ad spending in 2011, ...

NMA <b>News</b> | Simpsons | Simpsons Fox <b>News</b> | Mediaite

Taiwan's NMA News has taken on the battle between The Simpsons over at Fox Broadcasting and their conservative corporate cousins at Fox News, depicting both of The Simpsons recent attacks on the network as well as Bill O'Reilly's ...

<b>News</b> - Justin Bieber Cancels German TV Gig After Stunt Goes Awry <b>...</b>

The teen singer scraps his performance after a man is severely injured on the popular series Wetten Dass.

bench craft company rip off

The whole tenor of the next two years is going to feel like George W. Bush never left office. The GOP will have de facto control over the nation's politics and agenda. If President Obama goes down the Clinton path of triangulating against his progressive base (as seems likely) then he deserves to be a one-term president.

Just look at our captains of industry and finance: Even with the Dow over 11,000 and corporate profits sky high, they label Obama "anti-business." The oligarchy is going for all the marbles. It's behaving like a caricature from the 19th century. It's no accident that the Supreme Court and the Chamber of Commerce and "Americans for Prosperity" and the Koch Brothers and other power elite groups have moved so aggressively at this time to cement their chokehold on our governing institutions.

We're told that corporate profits are the highest in sixty years. Yet at the state and local level we still face savage cutbacks in services while teachers, social workers, police officers and firefighters are being laid off. Public employees' unions (systematically vilified) have agreed to give up all manner of concessions in the form of "take backs" in their contracts, higher fees for health care, slashes in pensions, lay-offs, etc. And this is being done amidst the highest persistent unemployment since the Great Depression. This orchestrated contraction of the public sector at a time when the private sector has failed so miserably is the opposite direction we should be heading.

And why are we told to rejoice that corporations are making record profits?

The dominant narrative of the current economic crisis is not about the recklessness of Wall Street or the folly of Ayn Randism, it's about taxes and deficits and public employees and regulations - the exact narrative the power elite wants.

In his new book, Death of the Liberal Class, the journalist Chris Hedges writes:

"Liberals conceded too much to the power elite. The tragedy of the liberal class and the institutions it controls is that it succumbed to opportunism and finally to fear. It abrogated its moral code. It did not defy corporate abuse when it had the chance. It exiled those within its ranks who did. And the defanging of the liberal class not only removed all barriers to neofeudalism and corporate abuse but also ensured that the liberal class will, in its turn, be swept aside. . . . One by one, these institutions succumbed to the temptation of money, the jargon of patriotism, belief in the need for permanent war, fear of internal and external enemies, and distrust of radicals, who had once kept the liberal class honest. And when it was over, the liberal class had nothing left to say." (p. 139)

Death of the Liberal Class provides an interesting counterpart to Sam Tanenhaus's The Death of Conservatism. The authors show that the two major ideological trend-lines in American politics are both bankrupt. But Hedges is more on target since he saves his harshest criticism for people who are members of the "liberal class" who have become nothing more than facilitators and enablers of corporate power in all its manifestations, economic, cultural, even spiritual.

Whether it's "liberal" Hollywood booing Michael Moore for speaking truth to power at the 2003 Academy Awards, or the "liberal" Thomas Friedman prattling on about "victory" in Iraq and the virtues of "flat-earth" globalization, or journalists being drummed out of the profession for displaying a "bias" not in sync with the needs of the power elite, in such cases it wasn't the "Right" doing the silencing, but the "liberal class" itself purging ideas the corporate power structure doesn't like.

Death of the Liberal Class is poorly edited and Hedges' discussion of the New Left is flawed and incomplete, but he raises some critical points that are as convincing as they are depressing. It's an important little book for anyone who is concerned with the current state of the Democratic Party and liberalism in general. The Obama Administration might very well represent the liberal class in its death throes.

During his first twenty months in office Obama whittled away at his base. He lost the single-payer activists when he denied them a seat at the table even before the negotiations on health care reform began. He lost the peace movement when he caved in to the generals and escalated the war in Afghanistan with 30,000 more troops and a Bush-like open-ended commitment. He lost many environmentalists when he promoted fast-tracking deep water oil drilling and nuclear power to try to win over Lindsey Graham on a climate change bill. He lost homeowners who are underwater when he sided with Wall Street banks to allow the foreclosures to continue unabated. His lackadaisical approach to closing Guantanamo alienated civil libertarians. His Education Secretary's insistence on trashing teachers and their unions and calling for policies that would privatize public education pushed away public school teachers and many women who make up the Democratic base. His Press Secretary's belittling of the "professional left" was just the icing on the cake and illustrates the kind of "death of liberalism" Chris Hedges examines.

Meanwhile, FDR, Truman, JFK, and Lyndon Johnson are all rolling over in their graves at the spectacle of a "liberal" Democratic president appointing a "bi-partisan deficit commission" with one co-chair who serves on the board of directors of a Wall Street investment bank (the "Democrat"), and another co-chair who is a certified right-wing nut-job from Wyoming who calls Social Security "a milk cow with 310 million tits" (the Republican). The smarter move for a Democratic president would have been at least to appoint a commission with one very liberal and respected Democratic co-chair teamed up with a lesser-known moderate Republican. Obama's choice of Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles is stupid politics from a supposedly smart administration.

In Afghanistan, when the U.S. and NATO aren't negotiating with hucksters posing as "the Number Two Taliban Commander," they're escalating drone attacks that are swelling the number of Pashtun refugees who have fled the fighting. Five million or so have settled in Karachi, Pakistan, upsetting that city of 18 million's subtle and tense ethnic mix.

And when Afghan President Hamid Karzai periodically complains about the U.S. and NATO needlessly killing women and children in his country the official American response is eerily reminiscent of the Vietnam War era. "If we're ponying up billions of dollars to ensure that President Karzai can continue to build and develop his country," President Obama recently said "then he's got to also pay attention to our concerns as well. . . . he's got to understand that I've got a bunch of young men and women" who are "in a foreign country being shot at" and "need to protect themselves." If Karzai cannot even criticize the rules of engagement of a Western army that is occupying his country without bringing ridicule from the President then Obama might as well come out and say outright that Karzai is a U.S. puppet.

And there's Representative Darrell Issa, (the wealthiest member of the House and now one of the most powerful), who hails from a California district that is heavily dependent on massive infusions of federal money even while he denounces "Big Government." But you can count on the "liberal" media to sweep this glaring hypocrisy under the rug while they hyperventilate over each one of Issa's latest "Obama-gates."

The Democratic Party lost its spine the moment it decided to cash in on all that corporate political money. If we don't reverse the effects of Citizens United and get the money out of our political system all of the other progressive causes don't stand a chance. A real breakthrough would be to unite Left and Right, the progressives and the Tea Partiers in a shared effort to get the money out of the politics -- we might disagree on almost every other issue, but buying and selling politicians and rigging elections with corporate cash should be an area where there is common ground. And if Obama starts triangulating Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich should run in the primaries. The Democratic Party at that point will have nothing left to lose.

It’s that magical time of the year when brand preferences are being lodged in the consumer psyche by any means necessary, be it free online shipping offers or conventional “doorbuster” style shopper stampedes. (Plus, in an admirable show of advance conditioning, there are those sidebar Four Loko-fueled parking lot brawls.)

But the romance of the brand is a notoriously ephemeral thing, as any casual survey of thrift-store Tickle-Me Elmo and Tamagotchi displays will promptly demonstrate. To do the job right, in this as in so many other realms, we would do well to heed the example of the Germans. As Bloomberg’s Chris Reiter reports, Deutschland’s Big Three automakers—BMW, Mercedes, and Audi (now a Volkswagen property)—have long been locked into a battle for the overtaxed attention spans of the youth market.

Back in February, Audi made a dramatic bid for high-end kiddie allegiance with a $13,300 model of a 1930s roadster, evidently calculating that a Weimar-era collectible is the perfect bridge to the true sturm-und-drang of a privileged adolescence. The model comes replete with “an aluminum frame, hydraulic brakes, seven speeds, leather-clad steering wheel, and oak dashboard,” and nearly sold out of its initial 500-unit manufacturing run, Reiter notes.

The idea behind such lush toy marketing, of course, is to instill intense brand-loyalty among the market’s littlest thought leaders. "Merchandising is important not because you can make huge money with it,” Audi sales chief Peter Schwarzenbauer tells Reiter, “but because it's another means of positioning your brand.” That means that Audi isn’t confining its initiatives to pint-sized drive trains, but is branching out to other durable badges of status, such as a $17,000-plus table soccer game—the idea here, evidently, being not so much to cultivate hooligan-style soccer fandom in the plutocratic young, but rather to inculcate the more genteel and respectable habit of full-scale team ownership.

It’s true that Audi isn’t neglecting more downmarket kiddie consumers in its push, with a $60 branded teddy bear and a $400 red-plastic version of the roadster; here, the functional array of model accessories include “an adjustable rollover bar, hand brake, over-sized tires with Audi-style rims, and padded seats.” But the main event is clearly the scrum for top-line market cachet, which is why Audi’s rivals are stepping up their game. Mercedes, for instance, is planning a spring rollout for “the foot-powered SLS Bobby-Benz, featuring headlights, grill, and rear end similar to those of the company's $183,000 SLS sportscar. The toy SLS features quiet-running tires, an Ackermann steering system with tight cornering for living-room maneuverability, and a steering wheel that absorbs impact to prevent injury in the event of a collision.” The model will boast a comparatively modest $120 asking price—but that loss-leader price point is a small sacrifice when you’re grooming future six-figure auto customers. "All the products have to live up to Mercedes' standards for quality and safety—especially our toys, which are all-time favorites with the next generation of Mercedes-Benz customers," reports Christian Boucke, who heads up the Benz accessories division.

BMW, meanwhile, appears to be the most horizontally minded lifestyle competitor in the luxe-branded market, brandishing a wide panoply of gear from a $460 kid-scale version of its M3 GT2 race car to a pair of $50 rain boots. The Beamer accessories division also turns a healthy 7 percentish profit—even though its brand-keepers, too, stress their real stake is in the longer-term loyalty game. “We are first and foremost a marketing initiative, and the main objectives are to broaden the brand's presence and strengthen loyalty," says Thomas Goerdt, who directs BMW’s distinctly un-German-sounding merchandising and lifestyle unit.

Still, the great risk of too-rampant accessory branding is market saturation—which is why Michel Gabriel, a branding specialist who has advised past Audi projectS, draws the line at underwear, even though “a lot of money can be made from a product” aimed at the intimate end of the brand market.

We can’t help thinking, though, that the Grosse Drei auto barons are selling short tomorrow’s financial titans with mere miniature knockoffs of luxury rides—and not just because their British competitor, Aston Martin, still owns the highest tip of the market with a Volante Junior model fetching a cool $24,000 with a devoted consumer base of young royals—who have duly gone on to modify their fullscale Astons to run on wine.

After all, the lesson of branding the world over is that a truly consummate brand eventually eclipses its mere material referent—hence the power of the glyphlike Nike swoosh (which only cost the firm $35 when design student Carolyn Davidson submitted in in 1971), or the “i”-themed Mac brand interface. Likewise, the business model for Mercedes has involved coaxing lavish multimillion-dollar subsidies from U.S. lawmakers at the same time it’s presented itself as an above-the-fray survivor of the 2008 global auto downturn.

Likewise, BMW has briskly seen to it that influential state congressional delegations have placed its own export interests ahead of the bailed-out U.S. auto industry—while Audi’s corporate parent Volkswagen has at least been candid in soliciting U.S. bailout funds, while also putting in for homeland funds to shore up its rickety loan operation. (Needless to say, this corporate pursuit of public-sector handouts doesn’t seem to have softened VW’s stand on American union drives, since like other foreign automakers, it’s expanded operations in anti-union right-to-work states to evade higher labor costs at home.) All of which is to say that, if doting plutocratic parents are looking to instill formative brand preferences this holiday season, nothing says “heed daddy’s example” like a simple, influence-subsidized government check. And Lord knows that for the properly connected family or industry, a good government kickback is about as hard to obtain as a pair BMW rain boots.

You, valued and valuable reader, are invited to join Chris Lehmann and your other fellow rich people to celebrate the publication of Rich People Things, this Thursday, December 2nd, at Le Poisson Rouge in New York City, from 7 to 9 p.m. There will even be a brief chit-chat with Thomas Frank and Maureen "Moe" Tkacik.

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> Alert: Big Growth for Internet Ads Through 2014: Tech <b>News</b> «

eMarketer, a New York-based research firm estimates spending on US internet advertisements, will grow 13.9 percent to $25.8 billion for the full year. It expects a 10.5 percent increase in US online ad spending in 2011, ...

NMA <b>News</b> | Simpsons | Simpsons Fox <b>News</b> | Mediaite

Taiwan's NMA News has taken on the battle between The Simpsons over at Fox Broadcasting and their conservative corporate cousins at Fox News, depicting both of The Simpsons recent attacks on the network as well as Bill O'Reilly's ...

<b>News</b> - Justin Bieber Cancels German TV Gig After Stunt Goes Awry <b>...</b>

The teen singer scraps his performance after a man is severely injured on the popular series Wetten Dass.

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> Alert: Big Growth for Internet Ads Through 2014: Tech <b>News</b> «

eMarketer, a New York-based research firm estimates spending on US internet advertisements, will grow 13.9 percent to $25.8 billion for the full year. It expects a 10.5 percent increase in US online ad spending in 2011, ...

NMA <b>News</b> | Simpsons | Simpsons Fox <b>News</b> | Mediaite

Taiwan's NMA News has taken on the battle between The Simpsons over at Fox Broadcasting and their conservative corporate cousins at Fox News, depicting both of The Simpsons recent attacks on the network as well as Bill O'Reilly's ...

<b>News</b> - Justin Bieber Cancels German TV Gig After Stunt Goes Awry <b>...</b>

The teen singer scraps his performance after a man is severely injured on the popular series Wetten Dass.

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> Alert: Big Growth for Internet Ads Through 2014: Tech <b>News</b> «

eMarketer, a New York-based research firm estimates spending on US internet advertisements, will grow 13.9 percent to $25.8 billion for the full year. It expects a 10.5 percent increase in US online ad spending in 2011, ...

NMA <b>News</b> | Simpsons | Simpsons Fox <b>News</b> | Mediaite

Taiwan's NMA News has taken on the battle between The Simpsons over at Fox Broadcasting and their conservative corporate cousins at Fox News, depicting both of The Simpsons recent attacks on the network as well as Bill O'Reilly's ...

<b>News</b> - Justin Bieber Cancels German TV Gig After Stunt Goes Awry <b>...</b>

The teen singer scraps his performance after a man is severely injured on the popular series Wetten Dass.

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> Alert: Big Growth for Internet Ads Through 2014: Tech <b>News</b> «

eMarketer, a New York-based research firm estimates spending on US internet advertisements, will grow 13.9 percent to $25.8 billion for the full year. It expects a 10.5 percent increase in US online ad spending in 2011, ...

NMA <b>News</b> | Simpsons | Simpsons Fox <b>News</b> | Mediaite

Taiwan's NMA News has taken on the battle between The Simpsons over at Fox Broadcasting and their conservative corporate cousins at Fox News, depicting both of The Simpsons recent attacks on the network as well as Bill O'Reilly's ...

<b>News</b> - Justin Bieber Cancels German TV Gig After Stunt Goes Awry <b>...</b>

The teen singer scraps his performance after a man is severely injured on the popular series Wetten Dass.

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